{{B}}Food and Health{{/B}} The food you eat does more than provide energy. It can have a dramatic effect on your body’s ability to fight off heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and weak bones. With remarkable consistency, recent research has found that a diet high in plant-based foods—fruits, vegetables, dried peas and beans, grains, and starchy staples such as potatoes—is the body’s best weapon in {{U}}thwarting{{/U}} many health-related problems. These foods work against so many diseases that the same healthy ingredients you might use to protect your heart or ward off cancer will also benefit your intestinal tract and bones. Scientists have recently estimated that approximately 3 A. Today you can get calcium without eating any high-fat or high-calorie foods by choosing skim milk or low-fat yogurt. B. Calcium plays an important role in the movement of protein and nutrients inside cells. C. You can rely on pills instead of a calcium-rich diet to take enough calcium. D. If you want to absorb calcium, you should expose yourself to the sun’s rays. [单项选择]A口扩容时,当一条A口PCM链路的PCMNO为5时,其0-31个时隙的CIC范围是()
A. 0-31 B. 32-63 C. 128-159 D. 160-191 [单项选择]从行政道德评价标准的类型来看,“三个有利于”的评价标准属于以下哪种类型标准的具体体现()。
A. 生产力标准 B. 行政组织标准 C. 阶级性和历史特征标准 D. 政治制度标准 [单项选择]Success of New Rail Links in Europe
The Eurostar company is now running frequent train services using the tunnel built beneath the sea between Britain and France. Millions of passengers have already travelled on Eurostar trains and there are now twenty services a day between London and Paris and nine between London and Brussels. Eurostar has already won 40% of all passengers from the UK to Paris and Brussels but further growth will depend on the business market. The early morning departure to Paris is proving popular, especially for business people from London who need to do a full day’s work in the French capital. However. exactly how many of Eurostar’s passengers are business travellers is unknown. While first-class accommodation has been 70% fill, many of these passengers are travelling on holiday: one travel agent estimates Eurostar has only 20% of the business travel market. Meanwhile, tour operators report a sharp rise in the sale of short trips to Par A. use lower capacity planes. B. cut frequency. C. offer cheaper tickets. D. maintain the flight schedul [单项选择]治疗大肠癌瘀毒内阻证,首选的方剂是()
A. 复元活血汤 B. 血府逐瘀汤 C. 少腹逐瘀汤 D. 通窍活血汤 E. 膈下逐瘀汤 [单项选择]()是影响病案保留的因素。
A. 医院的类型和医疗水平及病案活动性 B. 病案的年扩展率直接影响病案的储存空间 C. 病案本身的老化问题 D. 用于储存空间、工作人员、设备及各种材料的费用 E. 以上均是 [填空题]肺癌大多起源于__________上皮,因此也称__________。
A. 商品经济 B. 自然经济 C. 计划经济 D. 产品经济 [单选题]管理基本职能主要指:计划、组织、领导和( )。
A. 沟通 B. 协调 C.控制 D.指挥 [填空题]SW-220K型转向架的()是作为限制车体运行中(特别是曲线上)过大的横移而设置的。
A. 脑血栓形成最易发生在大脑中动脉 B. 脑栓塞以大脑中动脉阻塞最常见 C. 脑出血的血管最多在豆纹动脉 D. 脑桥出血多由基底动脉的旁正中动脉破裂所致 E. 蛛网膜上腔出血以大脑凸面畸形血管破裂最多见 [填空题]操作系统有两个重要的作用:管理系统中的各种资源和 【6】 。
[单选题]车控室控制台台面整齐,主台上摆放( ),其他记录填写完毕后应及时放回指定位置
A.行车工作日志、时刻表 B.行车工作日志、行车值班员交接班表 C. 车站施工/钥匙借用登记表、车站设备设施维修登记表 D. 行车工作日志、车站施工/钥匙借用登记表 [多选题]变压器并列运行的条件为( )。
A.电压比相同 B.阻抗电压相同 C.接线组别相同 D.频率相同 [判断题] ( )钢轨接头病害的整治,消灭轨头高低、左右错牙。可采用液压直轨器矫直接头小硬弯,上紧接头螺栓,达到规定扭力矩,保持接头坚固。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()美猴王荣归故里后,很快搞了一次花果山“猴口普查”,共有多少余口猴?
A. 三万六千 B. 四万七千 C. 五万八千 D. 六万九千 [简答题]Genetic Testing
Genetic testing is transforming medicine and the way families think about their health. As science uncovers the complicated secrets of DNA, we face difficult choices and new challenges. About Genetic Testing The year was 1895 and Pauline Gross, a young actress, was scared. Gross knew nothing about the human-genome (基因组,染色体组) project--such medical triumphs, but she did know about a nasty disease called cancer, and it was running through her family. "I’m healthy now," she often told Dr. Aldred Warthin a pathologist at the University of Michigan, "but I fully expect to die an early death." At the time, Gross’s prediction was based solely on observation: family members had died of cancer; she would, too. Today, more than 100 years later, Gross’s relatives have a much more clinical option: genetic testing. With a simple blood test, they can peer into their own DNA, learning--while still perfectly healthy--whether they carry an inheritable gene mut [多项选择]标准化要求按规定上报()、月调度安全生产信息统计表。
A. 调度安全生产信息日报表 B. 旬调度安全生产信息统计表 C. 周调度安全生产信息统计表 D. 矿领导值班带班情况统计表 [判断题]甲是某小学的班主任,利用单独给学生辅导功课的便利,多次猥亵女学生,被法院判
处刑罚,同时被禁止在刑罚执行完毕后 5 年内从事教师职业。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]防静电服一般( )使用金属附件。(易)
A.不允许 B.允许 C. 很少 D.大量 [简答题]综合录井仪超声波钻井液池体积传感器,传感器支架固定于靠近钻井液罐进口边沿,测量面与被测钻井液罐顶面保持30cm~50cm垂直距离。
在我们国家,人民行使国家权力的机关是( )。 A.全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会 B.各级人民政府 C.国家行政机关 D.国家司法机关 [多选题]确定土地权利的土地法律包括( )。
A.《土地管理法实施条例》 B.《房地产管理法》 C.《城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例》 D.《土地管理法》 E.《土地承包法》 [单选题]电能基础分析服务包括用电信息收集、电能能效账单生成与推送、()。
A.A、能效提升方案设计; B.用电优化方案设计; C.节约电量电费建议; D.电能能效账单解读 [简答题]2002-2003年欧洲冠军杯的冠军是哪只球队?
[多选题]CTCS-2级列控车载设备的控车模式有( )、调车、隔离和待机等模式。
A.完全监控 B.部分监控 C.引导 D.目视行车 我来回答: 提交