One key question for the next century
is how we will provide energy in an environmentally sound way. As living standards rise in the developing world, energy consumption will increase. As a result, many countries are now opening the door for private investment in a sector that used to be solely the preserve of government. In the developed world too, the move is towards the deregulation end privatization of electricity generation and distribution. There is also a trend towards locally-generated energy, particularly in the developing world. Factories and shopping centers may one day have their own power sources. Progress is also being made in minimising the environmental impact of energy production and consumption. A motor car today puts out perhaps 5 percent of the pollution a new car did in 1970. We can produce clean po A. In the developing countries, there is a trend toward locally-generated energy. B. In the developed world, clean power is used in motor ears. C. A motor car today puts out perhaps 5 times of the pollution a new car did in 1970. D. Factories and shopping centers are able to have their own power sources. [单选题]下列有关全身适应综合征(GAS)和局部适应综合征(LAS)内容的描述,正确的是
A.只有GAS会出现应激反应的三个阶段,即报警反应期、抵抗期和衰弱期 B.LAS是指无论何种应激原作用于个体,个体都会产生相同的反应 C.衰竭期时个体抵抗水平下降,会发生疾病或死亡 D.LAS和GAS是同时发生的 E.报警反应期开始,机体低抗力就上升并高于正常水平 [填空题]交流配电柜用500V兆欧表测量绝缘电阻时应不小于( )MΩ.
[判断题]降低输送液体中轻组分的含量,对减少离心泵的气缚现象,效果非常明显。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电缆铠装与金属护层进行电气上连接,主要是为了()。
A.使铠装层与屏蔽层处在同一电位 B.使铠装层处在零电位 C.便于内护套绝缘电阻的测量 D.为了防止运行人员遭受感应电压的伤害 [填空题]Jill bumped into a young zoologist (动物学家) called Adam Briton who absolutely loved crocodiles. One of the things that (11) him about crocodiles was that as part of their (12) behaviors, they fight with other crocodiles and regularly (13) limbs (肢体). What amazed him was that crocodiles (14) in dirty, bacteria-filled water, and yet they never seem to get infections—their limbs heal (15) Jill bumped into a young zoologist (动物学家) called Adam Briton who absolutely loved crocodiles. One of the things that (11) him about crocodiles was that as part of their (12) behaviors, they fight with other crocodiles and regularly (13) limbs (肢体). What amazed him was that crocodiles (14) in dirty, bacteria-filled water, and yet they never seem to get infections—their limbs heal (15)
[多选题]实现中华民族伟大复兴,必须推翻压在中国人民头上的帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义三座大山,实现( )、( )、( )和( )。
A.A、民族独立 B.B、人民解放 C.C、国家统一 D.D、社会稳定 [多选题]专责监护人应具备的条件为( )。
A.有相应且足够的工作经验 B.熟悉并掌握安规 C.能及时发现作业人员身体和精神状况的异常 D.工作负责人 [单选题]允许速度为120km/h(不含)~160km/h的线路,在直线上顺坡的超高不应大于()。
A.0mm B.8mm C.15mm D.25mm [判断题]电源线在地沟内布设时,应采用电线
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Which of the following is a component of the Code of Ethics CFA Institute members shall:()
A. use particular care in determining applicable fiduciary duty. B. not knowingly participate or assist in any violation of laws, rules, or regulations. C. use reasonable care and exercise independent professional judgment. [判断题]钳工常用的设备有钳工工作台、台虎钳、砂轮机、钻床、手电钻等。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]与气动门相比,电动门具有哪些优点:( )
A.结构简单 B.易于控制 C.故障率低 D.少维修 [单选题]总公司、铁路局行车安全监察人员,凭( )登乘机车。
A.登乘机车证 B.工作证 C. .监察证 [单选题] 铁路信号机应采用( )。
A.三色信号机 B.色灯信号机 C.四色信号机 D.臂板信号机 [填空题]煤炭地质勘查工作划分为()、()、()、()四个阶段。
A.钢中 B..水中 C.空气中 [单项选择]在Word 2000中插入数学公式,应选择“插入”菜单中的菜单项是( )。
A. 对象 B. 域 C. 图文框 D. 图示 [单选题]( )是传递必须遵守的指令信息。
A.红 B.蓝 C.黄 D.绿 [单选题] 【考核点:0109010301005;题型:单选题;难度:易;类型:通用】
在《关于强化基层安全体系建设的指导意见》中,新任基层班子成员及班组长试用期内必须接受()。 A.培训考核; B.管理考核; C.安全考核; D.经营考核; [多项选择]消费者所生视的新产品的特性包括()
A. 相对优越性 B. 适用性 C. 复杂性 D. 可试性 E. 明确性 [判断题]明火加热炉,宜集中布置在装置的边缘。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]非上级调度管辖的6-20千伏并网小电厂(含分布式电源)的6-20千伏分界断路器(隔离开关)由( )管辖;其并网总断路器的设备状态及电源出力由( )。
A.配调调管、配调调管 B.配调调管、配调许可 C.配调许可、配调调管 D.配调许可、配调许可 [判断题]对于允许挂接挂车的汽车,其驻车制动装置必须能使汽车列车在满载状态下时能停在坡度12%的坡道上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]乳腺纤维瘤患者宜施行()
A. 乳腺癌改良根治术 B. 乳腺癌根治术 C. 乳腺癌扩大根治术 D. 单纯乳房切除术 E. 肿块摘除术 [多选题]进度计划调整的方法有( )。
A.压缩或延长工作持续时间 B.增强或减弱资源供应强度 C.施工组织管理不力 D.各专业分包单位不能如期履行分包合同 E.在不违反工艺规律的情况下改变专业或工序衔接关系 [简答题]红楼梦中的四大家庭姓氏“贾 王”另外两个姓氏是?
[单选题]( )应当在施工现场采取维护安全、防范危险、预防火灾等措施,有条件的应当对施工现场实行封闭管理。
A.各级人民政府 B.监理单位 C.建筑施工企业 D.建设单位 [单项选择]
男性,54岁,间断性颜面水肿10年。查体:血压150/97mmHg,贫血貌,眼睑及下肢轻度凹陷性水肿。血常规:血红蛋白90g/L,红细胞3.5×1012/L,尿蛋白(++),尿红细胞3~5/HP,蜡样管型0~2/HP,血清白蛋白27g/L,血肌酐350mmol/L,尿素氮13mmol/L。 拟诊应考虑()A. 原发性高血压肾损害 B. 慢性肾盂肾炎 C. 慢性肾小球肾炎 D. 肾结核 E. 肾肿瘤 [单选题]航向是()。
A.从经线北端顺时针量到航空器纵轴前方的夹角 B.从经线北端顺时针量到航空器运动方向的夹角 C.从经线北端顺时针量到航空器纵轴的夹角 D.从经线北端顺时针量到航空器横轴的夹角 [单项选择]加热炉投用初期缓冲灌压力高于72.14Kpa时可引起加热炉停运,正确解决措施是()。
A. 加热炉温度上升至最高点时打开缓冲罐上部排空阀排出多余空气再关闭该阀 B. 关闭缓冲灌顶部压力变送器 C. 将温控阀固定使温度不至于上升太高 D. 将缓冲灌顶部压力变送器断电 [判断题]静止液体内部压力与其表面压力无关。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]162.血浆渗透压偏高
A.酮症酸中毒 B.高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷 C.乳酸酸中毒 D.低血糖 E.视网膜病变 我来回答: 提交