Caught in a squeeze between the health
needs of ageing populations on one hand and the financial crisis on the other,
governments everywhere are looking for ways to slow the growth in healthcare
spending. Increasingly ,they are looking to the generic-drugs(普通物) industry as a
savior. In November Japan’s finance ministry issued a report complaining that
the country’s use of generics was less than a third of that in America or
Britain. In the stone month Canada’s competition watchdog criticized the
country’s pharmacies for failing to pass on the savings made possible by the use
of generic drugs. That greed, it reckoned, costs taxpayers nearly C $ 1 billion
a year. Then on November 28th the European Commission issued the preliminary results of its year-long probe into drug giants in the European Union. The report reached A. Drug firm will use just ways to protect their drugs. B. Cheaper generic drugs are easy to enter market. C. The report has come to an ultimate conclusion. D. The final report may lead to commissioner’s legal action. [单选题]强酸.碱清洗剂( ) 适用于9%的任意化学品体表面积溅触清洗(约整只手臂或腿部大小的面积 )。
A. 200mL B.100mL C. 300mL D. 400mL [判断题]挂车作业,列车机车与第一辆车的软管连结,由列检人员负责()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列选项不符合山区及林(牧)区施工规定的是()。
A.防火期施工指定专人携带火种上山作业 B.山区及林(牧)区施工应严格遵守环境保护相关工作 C.山区及林(牧)区施工做好防毒蛇、野兽、毒蜂等生物的侵害措施 D.山区及林(牧)区施工应防止误踩深沟、陷阱 E.略 F.略 [判断题]发生事故,情况紧急时,事故现场有关人员可以直接向事故地安全生产管理部门报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在下水道、煤气管线、潮湿地、垃圾堆或有腐质物等附近挖沟(槽)时,应设监护人。在挖深超过()的沟(槽)内工作时,应采取安全措施,如戴防毒面具、向沟(槽)送风和持续检测等。监护人应密切注意挖沟(槽)人员,防止煤气、硫化氢等有毒气体中毒及沼气等可燃气体爆炸。
A.1.0m B.1.5m C.1.8m D.2.0m [单选题]同步电机与无穷大电网并联运行,有功功率一定,调节励磁时,在()情况下同步电机的电枢电流最小。
A.过励 B.正常励磁 C.欠励 D.励磁电流最小 [填空题]突出矿井的鉴定主要是以实际发生的()为依据,按其特征确定所属类型。凡经鉴定属于突出动力现象的,即可定为();当其特征不明显时,要在现场考察或实验室中进行()测定后,进行综合分析,作出最后鉴定结论。
[单选题]根据工作需要,消防员可办理调动。总队范围内调动,由( )批准。
A. 消防救援局政治机关 B.总队政治机关 C.支队政治机关 D.大队部 [单选题]案例中发生人身触电时(),但事后应及时报告设备有关单位。(单选题)
A.继续维持设备运行 B.可不经许可,立即断开有关设备的电源 C.经设备管理单位领导同意 D.视系统运行情况安排停电 E.lue 我来回答: 提交