Text 2
In 1575—over 400 years ago the French scholar Louis Le Roy published a learned book in which he voiced despair over the changes caused by the social and technological innovations of his time, what we now call the Renaissance. We, also, feel that our times are out of joint; we even have reason to believe that our descendants will be worse off than we are.
The earth will soon be overcrowded and its resources exhausted. Pollution will ruin the environment, upset the climate and endanger human health. The gap in living standards between the rich and the poor will widen and lead the angry, hungry people of the world to acts of desperation including the use of nuclear weapons as blackmail. Such are the inevitable consequences of population and technological growth if present trends continue.
The future is never a projection of the past. Animals probably have no chance to escape from the tyranny of biological evolution, but human beings are bl
A. An overpopulated earth will be unable to sustain its inhabitants.
B. The rich will become richer and the poor will become poorer.
C. New sources of energy will be substituted for oil and natural gas.
D. The effects of pollution will pose a dreadful threat to mankind.
Valentine’s Day may come from the
ancient Roman feast of Luperealia. (1) the fierce wolves
roamed nearby, the old Romans called (2) the god Lupereus to
help them. A festival in his (3) was held February 15th. On
the eve of the festival the (4) of the girls were written
on (5) paper and placed in jars. Each young man (6)
a slip. The girl whose name was (7) was to be his
sweetheart for the year. Legend (8) it that the holiday became Valentine’s Day (9) a roman priest named Valentine. Emperor Claudius II (10) the Roman soldiers not to marry or become engaged. Claudius felt married soldiers would (11) stay home than fight. When Valent A. other B. simply C. rather D. all [简答题]装出炉区域的日常检查内容有哪些?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为明确尿瘘病人的瘘孔部位,进行下列检查但应除外
A.亚甲蓝(美蓝)试验 B.靛胭脂试验 C.膀胱镜检查 D.宫腔镜检查 E.尿路造影 [单选题]隧道的吊物孔及人孔位置应满足( )要求,隧道的检修通道符合( )。
A. 施工和运行;验收标准 B. 施工;设计规范标准 C. 施工和运行;设计规范标准 D. 施工;验收标准 [判断题]紧急停车信号:展开红色的信号旗,下压数次。无信号旗时,双臂高举头上,向两侧急剧摇动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用圆盘锯作业时,被锯木料厚度,以锯片能露出木料( )mm 为限,长度应不小于 500mm。
A.5~10 B.10~15 C.10~20 D.20~25 [单项选择]He failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to ______the consequences.
A. answer for B. run into C. abide by D. step into [简答题]碎屑岩的孔隙主要是次生孔隙。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《加规》规定:各装车单位应建立健全装车岗位责任制,坚持装车从严、( )从严的原则,严格按装载加固方案或相关技术要求装车。
A.货检站 B.中间站 C.到站 D.发站 [单选题]当故障点标定装置失灵时,可采取( )等方法查找接触网故障。(职工)(应知应会-铁运【2009】39号,第12条)
A.故障点标定装置检修完毕,再试送电 B.机车降弓后,强送电 C.分段试送电、派人巡视或通知列车调度员,请邻线通过列车司机加强瞭望,帮助确定故障地点 D.越区供电 [单选题]456.(B)主要用于接通或断开隔离开关、跌落熔断器、装卸携带型接地线,以及带电测量和试验等工作。
A.A.验电器; B.B.绝缘杆; C.C.绝缘夹钳; D.D.绝缘手套 [单选题]根据《关于执行人民警察法定工作日之外加班补贴有关问题的通知》,对一周工作不满 个工作日而在正常休息日或法定节假日加班的,不视为法定工作日之外加班。( )
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [多选题]电化学分析用参比电极应具备的性质包括( )。
A.电位值恒定 B.微量电流不能改变其电位值 C.对温度改变无滞后现象 D.容易制备使用寿命长 [单选题]对于跨度50m以上无砟轨道桥面,梁体的竖向变形不大于()mm,且不大于跨度的1/5000。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [判断题]客运收入是指铁路运输企业在办理货物运输业务和辅助作业中,使用铁路运输票据,按规定向旅客、托运人、收货人核收的票款、运费、杂费。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]厨房监督员履行职责有以下哪些:
A.验收购买的实物,并在单据上签字 B.督促炊事人员按时做好饭菜并做到不少于24小时的留样保存 C.督促炊事人员搞好个人卫生,检查并协助搞好食堂卫生 D.通知炊事人员做好病号饭和给执勤、外出人员留饭,视情为夜间执勤人员安排夜餐 [单选题]水泥企业安全生产标准化评定标准: 采用综合检查、专业检查、季节性检查、节假日检查、()等方式进行隐患排查。
A.定期检查 B.不定期检查 C.日常检查 D.抽取检查 [多选题]请选出对消防员实施的奖励项目。
A.嘉奖 B.三等功 C.集体一等功 D.授予称号或荣誉称号 [多项选择]在计量管理中,校准的主要目的包括( )。
A. 确定示值误差,并确定其是否处于预期的允许误差范围之内 B. 得出标称值偏差的报告值,并调整测量仪器或对其示值加以修正 C. 给标尺标记赋值,或给参考物质的特性赋值 D. 测量被测量的量值 E. 对标 [判断题]下道避车时,同一作业组必须在同一侧避车,双线必须在本线同一侧避车,严禁同一作业组分两侧避车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]堆谐是一种藏族歌舞音乐,主要流行在西藏的西部地区,在拉萨地区也颇为盛行,其具有藏族()的风格特点。
A. 弦子 B. 踢踏舞 C. 热巴舞 D. 囊玛 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》中规定,对旅客携带品超重不足()时,应免收运费。
A.5kg B.2kg C.10kg D.15kg [判断题]赔偿请求人请求国家赔偿的时效为两年, 自国家机关及其工作人员行使职权时的行为被确认为违法之日起计算, 但被羁押等限制人身自由期间
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]145>根据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全生产工作规定》公司系统内部实行()制度各单位依据产权或管理关系实行上级对下级的安全生产监督。
A.安全目标管理 B.安全风险管理 C.安全生产监督 D.安全管理监督 [单选题]氧气是( )气体。
A.可燃 B.保护 C.助燃 [单项选择]个人所得税法规定的临时离境是指()。
A. 一次不超过30日 B. 一次不超过90日 C. 一次不超过30日或多次累计不超过90日 D. 多次累计不超过183日 [判断题]3号线计轴受扰,调度工作站及现地工作站均可在ATS控显上可操作计轴预复位。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]“公义胜私欲”是中华传统美德的根本要求。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交