While there’s never a good age to get
cancer, people in their 20s and 30s can feel particularly isolated. The average
age of a cancer patient at diagnosis is 67. Children with cancer often are
treated at pediatric (小儿科的) cancer centers, but young adults have a tough time
finding peers, often sitting side-by-side during treatments with people who
could be their grandparents. In her new book Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, writer Kris Carr looks at cancer from the perspective of a young adult who confronts death just as she’s discovering life. Ms. Carr was 31 when she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that had generated tumors on her liver and lungs. Ms. Carr reacted with the normal feelings of shock and sadness. She called her parents and stocked up on organic food, determined to become a "full-time healing addict." Then she picked up the phone and cal A. she is depressed and likes swearing B. she is funny and likes playing jokes on doctors C. she wants to leave the medical advice to doctors D. she tries to leave a good impression on doctors [判断题]气体继电器中的气体属于油中溶解气体。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作标准用的电流互感器,其检定周期一般定为1年。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]适用于新能源发电的电能储存方式主要包括( )。
A.电化学储能 B.物理储能 C.生物储能 D.电磁储能 [多选题]检查人员进入现场检查,应核准现场()情况,明确()通道,用电检查过程中应与带电()和()保持表6.3.3规定的安全距离。
A. A.设备运行 B.B.安全检查 C.C.线路 D.D.设备 [单项选择]我国反不正当竞争法对“经营者”的界定是()
A. 仅指从事商品经营或者营利性服务的法人 B. 仅指从事商品经营或者营利性服务的个人 C. 包括从事商品经营或者营利性服务的法人、其他经济组织和个人 D. 包括从事非商品经营或者服务的法人、其他经济组织和个人 [多选题]杆塔作业应禁止以下行为( )。
A. 攀登杆基未完全牢固或未做好临时拉线的新立电杆 B. 携带器材登杆或在杆塔上移位 C. 利用绳索、拉线上下杆塔 D. 顺杆下滑 [判断题]蓄电池引出电缆的线径符合验收要求,蓄电池组正、负极引出线电缆应连接到蓄电池架上的过渡接线板上,并且电缆接线端子处应有绝缘防护罩,电缆孔封堵良好。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列关于热像仪使用的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.操作中严禁将热像仪与其它东西碰撞。 B.仪器较长时间停止使用时,应将电池从仪器中取出,以免电池泄漏。 C.尽量避免长时间直接观测燃烧或熔化的金属、熔化的玻璃、高压电弧和太阳等目标。 D.禁止使用易磨损的布料或任何有机溶剂对设备进行清洗。 E.禁止使用高压水蒸汽对仪器进行清洗,电池外壳或电池接触面上的任何受侵蚀或难以清除的污渍可以使用橡皮擦进行擦除。 [简答题]新成立的用人单位应当在什么时段内办理参保登记手续?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]经济特区法规根据授权可以对法律、行政法规、地方性法规作变通规定,但只适用于本经济特区。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交