Once{{U}} (41) {{/U}}a time
there was a cat, which lived in a small house, where there were a lot of little
mice (老鼠). Not only did they live on the master (主人), but they also ate
everything up. {{U}} (42) {{/U}}the master didn’t know that but later,
when the mice became{{U}} (43) {{/U}}, they began to worry. One day, the cat received an order: he{{U}} (44) {{/U}}catch the mice, or if he didn’t, he could go somewhere else. {{U}} (45) {{/U}}this reason, he began to eat them{{U}} (46) {{/U}}. After that, the old leader of the mice{{U}} (47) {{/U}}a meeting. Everybody agreed that they would not fight with the cat. {{U}} (48) {{/U}}that, they should choose the peaceful (和平的) solution (方法): they had to change their home. {{U}} (49) {{/U}}the cat heard the mice’s meeting, so he star [单项选择]适用套管放气阀的井是()。
A. 只有抽油机井 B. 只有电动潜油泵井 C. 抽油机井和电动潜油泵井 D. 自喷井 [判断题]就地防误装置应具有统一的锁具接口和典型接线的防误逻辑规则库。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]椎弓分为( )和( ) 两部分。椎间孔由( ) 围成,有( ) 通过。
[判断题]400 机器人 7 轴采用自动润滑系统进行润滑。 ()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]完整的创新过程应包括()三大环节。
A. 研究 B. 发展 C. 生产 D. 消费 [单项选择]下列不适用通报的是()
A. 表彰先进 B. 批评错误 C. 传达情况 D. 申请批准 [单选题]19.对于过共析钢,要消除严重的网状二次渗碳体,以利于球化退火,则必须进行( )
A.A 等温退火 B.B 扩散退火 C.C 正火 D.D 安全退火 [单项选择]爆炸一经发生应该马上采取措施,限制火灾扩大,基本措施是()。
A. 紧急切断物料的来源 B. 开启放空系统 C. 将物料倒换至安全地点或事故处理槽 D. 前述措施都可以 [单项选择]现代餐饮需求产生的必要条件是()
A. 人们可支配收入的提高 B. 生活节奏的加快 C. 饮食欲望 D. 现代食品工业的建立 [单选题]因结核引起的支气管扩张最好发的部位是
A. 主支气管 B. 上叶前段 C. 上叶尖后段 D. 下叶基底段 E. 中叶 [单项选择]Supersize SurpriseWhat is the passage mainly about
[A] Effects of obesity on people’s health. [B] The link between lifestyle and obesity. [C] New explanations for the obesity epidemic. [D] Possible ways to combat the obesity epidemic. [简答题] 在当前数据库中创建数据表“电器”,其中有4个字段:编码/字符型/6位,名称/字符型/10位,数量/整型数/4位,单价/浮点数/7位/4,数2位。要求:编码字段是具有唯一性约束的主码,名称字段不能为空,默认值是0000000000,数量字段不能小于0,数量字段和单价字段都可以为空。在SQL Server中创建的过程如下,请将下面步骤填空补充完整。 在企业管理器中用新建表命令打开 (1) 窗口,在“列名”框中按给定字段顺序输入第一个字段名称 (2) ,选择默认数据类型,再修改数据长度为 (3) 。接着输入后面三个字段信息,其中“数量”字段的数据类型应当选择 (4) ,而单价字段的数据类型应当选择 (5) ,并在精度框中输入 (6) ,在小数位数框中输入2。还要选定编码字段,单击右键打开快捷菜单,再单击 (7) 选项定义主码:再选定名称字段后单击 (8) 框中 (9) 设定该字段不能为空,并在 (10) 框中输入0000000000。保存并最后完成数据表的创建。
A. ≤0.14% B. ≤0.10% C. ≤0.06% D. ≤0.03% [单选题]图是( )触头。
A.延时闭合动合 B.延时断开动合 C.延时断开动断 [判断题]除休息日和节假日外,中队(站)通常每日出早操,早操时间通常为60分钟,主要进行体能训练或者队列训练。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Effective reading requires not only "reading between the lines," but also "writing between the lines. "
There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is to (21) for it. But the act of purchase is only the (22) to possession. Full (23) won’t come unless you have absorbed the ideas to do you any good. There are kinds of book owners. The first has all the (24) sets and best-sellers—unread and (25) . The second has a great many books, all of which as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. The third, however, has a collection of books that are all dog-eared and dilapidated. Marking up a book is (26) to reading. First, it keeps you awake. Second, active reading is (27) , which expresses itself in words. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had or the thoughts the author expressed. Light fictions like Gone with the Wind do not require active re [判断题]应按规定及时安排道口设备维修和大修,确保设备状态良好,防护设施齐全有效。《修规》第3.12.2条
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于煎膏剂制备中收膏标准的叙述错误的是()。
A. 打白丝 B. 滴于纸上无水迹 C. 夏天挂旗,冬天挂丝 D. 相对密度在1.20左右 [多选题]社会主义职业道德的基本原则是( )。
A.调节相互关系 B.热爱本职、忠于职守、为人民服务 C.社会主义团结协作 D.主人翁劳动态度 [单选题]矫直同一轧件,辊距越大所需的弯曲力矩( )。
A.越大 B.越小 C.不变 [单选题]高速铁路,发现钢轨折断时应立即( ),并根据现场情况采取紧急处理、临时处理或永久处理。
A.采取限速措施 B.封锁线路 C.进行观察 D.加强巡查 [单项选择]
{{B}}Section A{{/B}} {{B}}Directions: {{/B}}{{I}}This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.{{/I}} A. At 6:00. B. At 6:15. C. At 6:30. D. At 6:45. [单选题]285.(91691)抽油杆断脱后,上行电流( )。(1.0分)
A.上升 B.下降 C.不变 D.巨增 [单选题]现场建筑材料堆放高度应符合规定,砖的堆高限度为( ),且堆放整齐、稳固。
A.1m; B.2m; C.2.5m; D.3m [单项选择]画中画彩色电视机的以下功能,其中不正确的是()
A. 电视机在收看某一频道节目时可监视另一频道 B. 电视机屏幕上可以多个画面同时显示 C. 可以任意观察小画面的静止图像 D. 任意扩缩小画面尺寸 [单项选择]结算通卡取款的金额上限是()
A. 2000元 B. 5000元 C. 20000元 D. 50000元 我来回答: 提交