Wise compromise is one of the basic principles and
virtues of the British. If a continental greengrocer asks 14 shillings (or crown, or francs) for a bunch of radishes, and his customer offers 2, and finally they strike bargain agreeing on 6 shillings, this is just the low continental habit of bargaining; on the other hand if the British dock-workers or any other workers claim a rise of 4 shillings per day, and the employers first flatly refuse even a penny, but after a six weeks’ strike they agree to a rise of 2 shillings a day--that is yet another proof of the British genius for compromise. Bargaining is a repulsive habit; compromise is one of the highest human virtues--the difference between the two being that the first is practiced on the Continent, the latter in Great Britain. The genius for compromise has anothe A. It is foggy when it is raining. B. It is sunny and bright. C. It is either foggy or rainy. D. It is determined by humidity. [判断题]作业时,作业人员的双手应始终握持绝缘杆保护环以下部位,并保持带电清扫有关绝缘部件的清洁和干燥。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]By the end of last week. 611 people from 49 countries () to attend the meeting, with nearly half coming from the United States, Germany and Britain.
A. had registered B. have registered C. registered D. were registered [简答题]简述压差阀的工作原理。
A. 12,1 B. 24,1 C. 12,2 D. 24,2 [单选题]在机场控制区工作的员工,一年内违章5次(含)或者连续两年每年违章( )次(含)的,机场管理机构应当收回违章人员的控制区证件。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [单项选择]发电机房、变配电房与办公用房、宿舍的防火间距是()米。
A. 4 B. 5 C. 8 D. 10 [判断题]《山西省安全生产条例》规定,重大风险隐患排除前或者排除过程中无法保证安全的,应当从危险区域内撤出人员和设备,暂时停产停业或者停止使用相关设施、设备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]尖轨非作用边到基本轨作用边间的距离称为摆度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列关于建筑施工现场安全标志的设置的叙述,正确的是()。
A.在爆破物及有害危险气体和液体存放处设置禁止烟火、禁止吸烟等标志 B.在施工机具旁设置当心触电、当心伤手、当心坠落等标志 C.在施工现场入口处设置必须戴安全帽等标志 D.在楼层临边、基坑周边等处,设置当心坠落等标志 E.在通道口处设置提示性标志 [单选题]侦察线路长、转弯多时,应设中间保护点,中间保护点不宜过多,每个保护点不应少于()人。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]水磨石地面的施工一般采用()法。
A. “三浆二磨” B. “二浆三磨” C. “二浆二磨” D. “三浆三磨” [单选题]长距离的重载下降,禁止采用( )方式下降。
A.快速 B.慢速 C.反接制动 我来回答: 提交