Children loam almost nothing from
television, and the more they watch, the less they remember. They regard
television purely (71) entertainment, resent programs that
put (72) on them and are surprised that anybody should
(73) the medium seriously. Far from being over-excited by
programs, they are mildly (74) with the whole thing. These
are the main conclusions from a new study of children and television. The
author, Cardiac Cullingford, (75) that the modem child is
a (76) viewer. The study suggests that there is little
(77) in the later hours. All 11-year-olds have watched programs
after midnight. Apart from the obvious waste of time (78) , it seems that all this viewing has little effect. Cullingford says that children can recall few details. They can remember exactly which programs the A. unlikely B. like C. unlike D. dislike [多项选择]关于雷诺实验,说法正确的是()。
A. 上临界流速是固定不变的 B. 下临界流速不随外界扰动发生变化 C. 当流速大于下临界流速时,一定处于紊流 D. 雷诺数与管径、流体密度、动力粘度有关 [判断题]8.( )加热炉正常停炉操作要严格按照先停炉、后降温的程序进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]巡道工作是保证线路状态完好,维护行车安所必须的重要措施
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列事项中属于专职安全生产管理人员的是()
A. 检查专项方案的落实情况 B. 现场重大安全隐患越级报告 C. 及时、如实报告生产安全事故情况 D. 监督作业人员安全防护用品的使用 E. 组织开展安全生产评优评先表彰工作 [多选题]下列哪些贷款需要执行封闭运行管理?( )
A.中央储备粮贷款 B.地方储备粮贷款 C.粮食调控贷款 D.粮食收购贷款 E.粮食调销贷款 [多选题]使用液压破拆工具组时,液压管不能有破损或划痕,否则已造成( )。
A.液压管破裂 B.高压油泄漏 C.高压油泄漏伤人 D.损坏液压泵 [单项选择]
A. 习惯性流产 B. 难免流产 C. 不全流产 D. 流产感染 E. 完全感染 异位妊娠 稽留流产 [简答题]在公路设计时,设计速度有何重要作用?如何选用设计速度?
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]你所在单位参加一次团体比赛,你是队长。你的团队顺利进入了复赛,此时有两位队员在背后议论你,说你安排人员不合理,并且臆造一些子虚乌有的事情,你怎么办
A.70 B.75 C.80 D.85 [单项选择]内痔的早期症状是
A. 便血 B. 痔块脱出 C. 疼痛 D. 便秘 E. 肛周刺痒 [单项选择]社会保险法的使用中,如果同位法中特别规定与一般规定不一致,应该( )。
A. 适用特别规定 B. 适用一般规定 C. 适用下位法的规定 D. 适用地方政府规定 [单项选择]Some people hold that, since we live in a money oriented society, the average individual cares little about solving ______ problems.
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]According to the passage, the drinking custom endures because ______.
A. those favoring moral strictness are not powerful enough to start an anti-alcohol movement B. the common-interest business groups win more support on the alcohol issue C. moderate amount of drinking can play a positive role within families and common-interest group D. there is a consensus among people that moderate amount of drinking is helpful for a morally positive life [单项选择]最近有媒体称,尽管美国表面上称要通过外交途径迫使伊朗______,但以副总统切尼为代表的鹰派已经迫不及待,认为“通过外交手段不能______伊朗的核野心”,因此美国媒体更频繁鼓吹对伊朗采取强硬措施。 填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A. 就范 控制 B. 就范 遏制 C. 屈服 遏制 D. 屈服 控制 我来回答: 提交