One reason many politicians behave badly these days is that we spend less time thinking about what it means to behave well. This was less of a problem in past centuries when leaders, teachers and clergy held detailed debates over what it meant to have good character.
In the 18th century, for example, Edmund Burke composed a long, famous passage defining the standards of political excellence. In the 19th century, Anthony Trollope wrote a series of popular novels fussing over what it means to behave well in political life. Trollope’s view was different than ours. Many Americans today assume that people are born with a good Inner Self but get corrupted by politics. American voters are always looking for the Innocent Outsider who can come in and bring sweeping change.
Trollope admired Prudent Insiders, not Innocent Outsiders. His most admirable characters have been educated by long experience. They have grown mature by exercising responsibility. They have been e
A. the modern silence on what good behavior is leads to its decline
B. moral standards in the 19th century were different from modern standards
C. American voters are less confident of their choice of political leaders
D. lack of responsibility is what is wrong with modern politicians
Such mental fatigue can be as
threatening as a heart attack. Recent evidence indicates that sleepiness is a
leading cause of traffic and industrial accidents. "Human error causes between
60% and 900 of all workplace accidents, depending on the type of job, " observes
biological psychologist David Dinges of the University of Pennsylvania. "And
inadequate sleep is a major factor in human error, at least as important as
drugs, alcohol and equipment failure." Other research suggests that sleep loss
contributes to everything from drug abuse to poor grades in school. A typical adult needs about eight hours of shut-eye a night to function effectively. By that standard, millions of Americans are for a long time sleep deprived, trying to get by on six hours or even less. In many households, cheating on sleep has become an unconsciou A. American drug abuse is connected with toss of sleep B. American students’ poor results result from lack of sleep C. Americans could be more effective with enough sleep D. Accidents in the states could be reduced by more sleep [判断题]【安全技术等级考试公共安全一级判断题】188 接地是消除导体上的静电的有效措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业人员有权依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》拒绝违章指挥和强令冒险作业,在发现危及( )的情况时,有权停止作业或采取可行的应急措施后撤离作业场所,并立即报告。
A.电网安全 B.人身安全 C.设备安全 D.机具安全 [单选题]{A}修做土工织物反滤围井时,需在土工织物上填压()
A.透水材料 B.防水布 C.黏土 D.壤土 [填空题]发动机五大系统:燃油供给系统、点火系统、( )、润滑系统和启动系统。
[单项选择]We share a ( )purpose, so let’s help each other.
A. common B. ordinary C. general D. clever [多项选择]非法侵入计算机信息系统罪,是指违反国家规定,侵入()领域的计算机信息系统的行为。
A. 国家事务 B. 国防建设 C. 商业机构 D. 尖端科学技术 [判断题]电力检修工作票签发人可以兼任工作执行人;工作领导人、工作执行人均不能兼任工作许可人。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]甲犯A罪,法定最高刑为5年有期徒刑,次年公安机关立案后,甲一直逃避处罚,到外省又犯B罪,则A罪不受追诉时效的限制,而B罪仍受追诉时效的限制。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在带电线路杆塔上进行测量、防腐、巡视检查、紧杆塔螺栓、清除杆塔上异物等工作应设专责监护人
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设想一下三条鱼成群而游。一条鱼可能被捕食者Y看到的空间是以该鱼为圆心,Y能看到的最远距离为半径的圆。当Y在这三个圆之中的一个时,该鱼群可能受到攻击。由于三条鱼的鱼群之间距离很近,这三个圆在很大程度上重叠在一起。
下面哪一项是从上面一段中得出的结论( ) A. 捕食者攻击四条鱼的鱼群的可能性比攻击三条鱼的鱼群的可能性小 B. 整个鱼群的易受攻击性比鱼群中的每一条鱼的易受攻击性大不了多少 C. 一条鱼能被看见的最大距离不怎么取决于鱼的大小,而更多地取决于该鱼是否成群地游动 D. 如果捕食者Y本身游在一群Y之中,则Y能看到其他猎物的最大距离有所增加 [单项选择]
W: Could I borrow a pen from you Mine has just run out of ink. A. He wants to lend her an extra pen. B. He wants to lead her a pencil. C. He wants to her some ink. D. He wants to buy her a pen. [单选题]下列哪种债券利率一般会成为整个金融市场利率体系的基准利率?( )
A.企业债券 B.公司债券 C.金融债券 D.国债 我来回答: 提交