An Asian engineer is assigned to a US
laboratory and almost suffers a nervous breakdown. A US executive tells his
staff he’s going to treat them fairly -- and creates dissension (纷争). A Japanese
manager is promoted by his British president, but within six months asks for a
transfer. Each of these real-life cases involved people who were regarded as
superior employees, but were ill-equipped to cope with the complexities and
dangers of intercultural management. "Multinational companies have studied
everything else, now they’re finally looking at culture," says Clifford Clarke,
founder and president of the California-based IRI International Inc, one of a
small but growing number of consulting firms that specialize in teaching
business people from differing cultures how to communicate and work with each
other. "Never show th A. American managers B. multinational companies C. Japanese employees D. consulting firms [单选题]绩效管理的实施步骤如下,排序正确的是( )
①制定个人工作计划;②绩效考评;③绩效实施;④绩效反馈;⑤绩效改进 A.①②③④⑤ B.②③④⑤① C.①③⑤②④ D.③⑤④①② E.①③②④⑤ 难度系数:G-B3-2 [单选题]2178对于暂停用电不足15天的大工业电力用户,在计算其基本电费时,原则是()。 ( )
A. 全部减免 B. 按10天计收 C. 不扣减 [填空题] One night in April 1912, a huge new (36)_________liner, the Titanic, was (37)________the Atlantic. She was just about the most (38)_________ship that had ever been built. She was going very fast, which was (39)_________because there were icebergs around and it was very dark that night. The passengers were all having a good time when the ship suddenly ( 40 )__________one of the icebergs.
The ship began to (41)__________and the passengers tried to (42)_________, but there were not enough lifeboats since nobody thought they would ever be necessary. Eight white rockets were (43)________into the air in order to get help. Another ship, the Californian, was passing nearby. An officer and another sailor on it saw the rockets. (44)___________________ and were just firing the rockets in fun. Anyway they did wake the captain. But the captain was too sleepy to understand and the Californian just went on sailing away, in another direction.
When the Titanic finally went down, (45) ____
A. 现场电气设备接线情况 B. 危险点 C. 安全注意事项 D. 作业时间 [判断题]( )未经安全生产教育和培训合格的从业人员,不得上岗作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]若岩屑中出现新成分,不论其含量多少,都标志新地层已出现。
A. 视乳头水肿 B. 眼底出血 C. 视神经萎缩 D. 视网膜渗出 E. 以上均是 [判断题]施工人员入场安全教育应按照先培训后上岗的原则进行,培训教育应进行试卷考核。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]腰椎间盘突出症引起坐骨神经痛,向下肢放射的典型部位是:
A.髂部以下整个腿痛 B.大腿后侧和小腿内侧痛和足背内侧痛 C.大腿前侧和小腿内侧痛和足背内侧痛 D.大腿后侧和小腿外侧痛和足背外侧痛 E.大腿后侧和小腿后侧痛和足底痛 [判断题]断路器的操动机构应与操作的断路器及其负荷等级相匹配。
A. Ψ(1,1,0) B. Ψ(2,1,0) C. Ψ(3,2,0) D. Ψ(5,3,0) [多项选择]对外阴癌的护理措施正确的是
A. 提供心理支持 B. 为放疗患者提供皮肤护理 C. 皮肤出现溃疡时中断放疗,局部涂龙胆紫或无菌凡士林 D. 指导患者外阴根治术后6个月需返院复诊 E. 放疗患者随访时间为1、3、6个月各1次,以后每半年1次,最好随访5年 [判断题]自动调速系统中比例调节器既有放大(调节)作用,有时也有隔离与反相作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]监测装置的接入不应改变被监测设备的完整性和正常运行,如不应断开设备的末屏接地线串入取样阻抗
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]生产厂家必须对制造的安全工器具的质量和安全技术性能负责,并提供<--NRC-->。
[单项选择]根据《村镇规划编制办法》的规定,下列关于村镇建设规划的编制内容表述中不正确的是( )。
A. 镇区总体建设规划应达到直接指导建设或工程设计的深度 B. 村镇建设规划的期限一般为10~20年,近期建设规划的期限一般为3~5年 C. 村镇建设规划的任务应以村镇总体规划为依据,确定镇区或村庄的性质和发展方向 D. 村镇建设规划可分为镇区建设规划和村庄建设规划 [单选题]下面( )行为既是消防安全违法行为,同时又是治安违法行为。
A.建筑设计单位不按照消防设计标准强制性要求进行消防设计的 B.消防设计经公安机关消防机构依法抽查不合格,不停止施工的 C.违反有关技术标准和管理规定生产、储存、运输、销售 、使用、销毁易燃易爆危险品的 D.占用、堵塞、封闭疏散通道、安全出口或 者有其他妨碍安全疏散行为的 [判断题]数据文件中的每一条记录都至少包含一个关键字段。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]站场作业“五严禁”内容是什么?
[单项选择]把窗体的KeyPreview属性设置为True,然后编写如下过程: Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer) Print Chr(KeyCode) End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer) PrintChr(KeyCode+2) End Sub 程序运行后,如果按“A”键,则输出结果为 ______。
A. A A B. A B C. A C D. A D [多项选择]()是欲取得证券自营业务资格的证券经营机构应当具备的标准条件之一。
A. 具有不低于2000万元人民币的净资本 B. 具有不低于2000万元人民币的证券营运资金 C. 具有不低于2000万元人民币的净营运资金 D. 具有不低于1000万元人民币的净资产 E. 具有不低于1000万元人民币的净资本 [判断题]三月检空压机检查,要求真空指示器红色活塞无露出情况。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]唯一能通过胎盘的是()
A. IgG B. IgM C. SIgA D. IgE E. IgD [单选题] 洗涤叶菜类蔬菜用盐水浸泡的目的是( )。
A.去泥土 B.去虫卵 C.消毒 D.去鞣酸 我来回答: 提交