One of the few calamities that have not befallen the world economy during the past two years is a dollar crash. During the bubble era that preceded it, many fretted that foreigners, tiring of America’s gaping external deficits, would send the greenback slumping and interest rates soaring. In fact, the opposite occurred. The crisis began within America, and the deeper it became, the more the dollar strengthened as fearful investors sought safety in Treasury bills.
That history is worth bearing in mind when assessing the latest bout of fretfulness about the dollar’s future. For the past six months the greenback has been sinking steadily, hitting a 14-month low against a basket of leading currencies and $1.50 to the euro this week. Coupled with the extraordinary looseness of American policy, the weak dollar has also revived fears of a currency crash. With the budget deficit in double digits and the Federal Reserve’s balance-sheet swollen, dollar bears are o
A. it may hinder China’s adjustment of economic structure.
B. it may increase America’s government-debt burden.
C. it may affect the dollar’s dominant role in the world economy.
D. it may worsen the inflation.
某工程合同价为2 000万元,工程价款采用按月结算方式。工程从同年5月至9月,开工前业主向承包商支付合同价的20%作为预付款,主要材料占施工产值的 62.5%。业主自开工第1个月起,从承包商的工程价款中按5%的比例扣留保留金。工程完成情况如下。
(3)7月份完成工程400万元,另外由于业主设计变更,导致工程局部返工,造成拆除材料费损失1500元,人工费损失1 000元,重新施工人工、材料费合计1.5万元。
(4)8月份完成工程600万元。但由于承包商负责采购的材料出现质量问题,造成损失 2 400元。
Smoking will be banned in all pubs,
clubs and workplaces from next year after historic votes in the Commons last
night. After last-minute appeals from health campaigners, MPs opted for a
blanket prohibition which will start in summer 2007, ending months of argument
over whether smokers should be barred in pubs and restaurants only. They voted
to ban smoking in all pubs and clubs by 384 to 184, a surprisingly large
majority of 200.Smoking will still be allowed in the home and in places
considered to be homes, such as prisons, care homes and hotels. Smokers lighting up in banned areas will face a fixed penalty notice of £ 50 and spot fines of £ 200 will be introduced for failing to display no-smoking signs, with the possible penalty, if the issue goes to co [简答题]简述近5000年中国水文变化的大势。
根据上述资料回答下列问题: 全年应列支的业务招待费用标准是( )。 A. 12万元 B. 18万元 C. 21万元 D. 24万元 [单项选择]下列对“民主”的理解中,不正确的是()。
A. 民主要遵循平等原则和少数服从多数原则 B. 民主具有鲜明的阶级性 C. 统治阶级的民主就是对被统治阶级的专政 D. 实行民主制的国家不存在专政 [单选题]隔离开关在电力系统中主要起( )
A.与开关功能一样 B.接地 C.开断负荷 D.隔离作用 [多选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程)》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第9.3.4条规定:操作设备应具有明显的标志,包括( )、切换位置的指示及设备相色等。
A.双重名称 B.分合指示 C.位置标示 D.旋转方向 [单项选择]硝苯地平与普萘洛尔合用可拮抗的副作用是()
A. 反射性心率加快 B. 心搏出量减少 C. 血浆肾素活性增高 D. 反射性心率加快和心搏出量减少 E. 反射性心率加快和血浆肾素活性增高 [判断题]按《广东省农村信用社票据交换业务管理暂行办法》的规定,各行参加网上退票业务处理,须遵循'退票原件在先,电子信息在后,资金清算以收到退票原件为准'的原则。 (1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]染苔
[单项选择]下列不属于我国《物权法》规定的用益物权类型是( )。
A. 地役权 B. 采矿权 C. 宅基地使用权 D. 典权 [单选题]浓硫酸使蔗糖炭化,是利用浓硫酸的( )
A.氧化性 B.脱水性 C.吸水性 D.酸性 [单选题]载客小汽车自助检查岗位的执勤人员应在勤务开始前( )进入工作岗位。
A.5-15分钟 B.10-15分钟 C.5-10分钟 D.10-20分钟 我来回答: 提交