Over a year ago, Jamel Balhi, a French young adventurer, made a promise in Paris to his Chinese friend from Shanghai he would (21) to meet him in China and have a cup of tea together. His Chinese friend never (23) that he really meant what he said. To his great (23) the 25-year-old Frenchman reached Shanghai in September (24) after a long journey.
(25) the young adventurer had covered about 15,000 kilometres of different climates, travelling (26) 15 countries. For him, it was a test of (27) and will:
Balhi started his journey on May 30 from Paris. The journey was to be a real test, (28) he had fully prepared.
(29) problem made it very hard for him to ask the way, and it always caused him troubles when he crossed (30) When he was venturing (冒险) (31) desert and the war zone between Iran and Iraq, he was (32) from hunger, coldness and war. At the same tim
A. drank
B. had
C. had eaten
D. have had
请根据下面短文回答第61~65题: Dear Harry Potter, Hi! I’m Kevin from India. I really feel lucky to write you a letter. Though I live far away from your world, I think we are a little alike. You are a great wizard (奇才). You have done lots of magical things to be amazed at. Although I don’t do magic, I do believe in it. Well, I’m also a wizard at school. And I can often get As, but I am not a bookworm. I like to play jokes in class, which sometimes make my teachers angry. I also have many friends. They often get me into and out of trouble. No matter what has hap- pened, we still get close together. Oh, I almost forget to tell you that our school is almost like yours, Hogwarts. It’s a special one for excellent students. We have modem classes and technology lessons. But when much is g [判断题]基本控制技术中单警控制技术有跪压控制、坐压控制、锁喉摔控制等。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]地理位置中“餐饮娱乐或宾馆设施”必须符合建筑面积( )平方米以上。( )
A.100 B.500 C.1000 D.没有要求 [填空题]各级仓库应高度重视物资的维护和保管工作,仓储管理人员应认识和掌握库存物的变化规律,定期检查物资的性能、 () 、安全防护措施等是否符合要求保管条件
[单选题]Windows 系统下,可通过运行 命令打开 Windows 管理控制台。( )
A.regedit B.cmd C.mmc D.mfc [多选题]安全风险评估报告,主要包括( )等内容。
A.评估目的 B.评估方法 C.评估经过 D.评估依据 E.评估结论 [单项选择]
{{B}}Colors{{/B}} There are two ways to create colors in a photograph. One method, called additive, starts with three basis colors and adds them together to produce some other colors. The second method, called subtractive, starts with white light (a mixture of all colors in the spectrum) and, by taking away some or all other colors, leaves the one desired. In the additive method, separate colored lights combine to produce various other colors. The three additive primary colors are green, red and blue (each providing about one-third of the wavelengths in the total spectrum). Mixed in varying proportions, they can produce all colors. Green and red light mix to produce yellow; red and blue light mix to produce magenta; green and blue mix to produce cyan. When equal parts of all three of these primary-colored beams of light overlap, the mixture appears white to the eye. In the subtractive process, colors are produced w A. Red. B. Cyan. C. Magenta. D. Yellow [单选题]按照《建筑施工企业主要负责人、项目负责人和专职安全生产管理人员安全生产管理规定》,安全生产考核合格证书有效期届满需要延续的,“安管人员”应当在有效期届满前( )内,由本人通过受聘企业向原考核机关申请证书延续。
A.1个月 B.45日 C.2个月 D.3个月 我来回答: 提交