Cyber crime which is the illegal
activity committed on the Internet is the fastest growing criminal activity in
the world and is of major concern to the Government. From traditional crime
on-line to new crimes that target information and communications networks, it
covers a huge range of unlawful activities. UK and international agencies are
working together to combat the threat of cyber crime. Access to information and communications technology (ICT) is globally available and increasingly used. Most Internet and e-mail users are involved in lawful business. However, some use the technology for unlawful activities. Global and transnational crimes can now be committed far distant A. the unlawful activities committed by the Internet B. the illegal activities done by telephoning C. the unlawful activities done by getting others’ digital records D. the illegal activities committed by hacking others’ computers [单项选择]上级国家机关的决议、决定、命令和指示,如有不适合民族自治地方实际情况的,自治机关可以采取下列何种措施
A. 自行不予执行 B. 报经该上级国家机关批准,停止执行 C. 自行变通执行 D. 报请全国人大常委会后变通执行 [单选题] 车站助理值班员(值班员)发出旅客列车时,应在( )显示发车指示信号。
A. 旅客乘降一侧 B. 列车右侧 C. 列车左侧 D. 出站信号机一侧 [判断题]企业的不征税收入用于支出所形成的资产,其计算的折旧、摊销不得在计算应纳税所得额时扣除。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]开展变电设备试验检测,对()进行监督是省检修公司电气试验班的职责
A. 设备状况 B.设备状况及检修质量 C.检修质量 D.设备运行状态 [单项选择]流行性脑脊髓膜炎的发病,与下列因素中哪一项无关 ()
A. 机体免疫力下降 B. 男女性别的影响 C. 细菌毒力强 D. 血--脑屏障功能下降 E. 细菌数量多 [单选题] 换出的长钢轨当日回收不完时,应放在道床肩上或道心。但道口处、信号机附近不宜存放。每根长钢轨的长度一般不得大于( )。
A. 200m B. 300m C. 500m D. 800m [单选题]某食品厂因食品安全事故被卫生部门作出以下处理:(A)查封不符合卫生标准的货物B000箱;(B)追究公司法人代表责任;(C)罚款A0000元。上述决定中属于行政强制的是:( )
A.查封不符合卫生标准的货物B000箱 B.罚款A0000元 C.追究公司法人代表责任 D.无 [填空题]企业利润包括收入减去()后的净额、直接计入当期利润的利得和损失等。
[单选题] ( )负责自管特种工程车正线施工前白天配套作业的准备工作。
A.运营公司 B.供电分公司 C.工务分公司 D.通号分公司 [单选题]试开车门时开启车门缝隙不超过()厘米,确认车门状态良好后立即关闭。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单选题]安装在浴室内的燃气热水器必须是密闭式燃气热水器。( )
A.对 B.错 [简答题]党员经过留党察看后,坚持错误不改的,应当如何处理?
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