Soccer is played by millions of people all over the world, but there have only been a few players who were truly great. How did these players get that way — was it through training and practice, or are great players "born, not made " First, these players often came from places that have had famous stars in the past — players that a young boy can look up to and try to imitate. In the history of soccer, only six countries have ever won the World Cup — three from South America and three from Western Europe. There has never been a great national team — or a really great player from North America or from Asia. Second, these players have all had years of practice in the game. Aifredo Di Stefano was the son of a soccer player, as Pele was. Most great players begin playing the game at the age of three or four.
Finally, many great players come from the same kind of neighborhood — a poor, crowded area where a boy’s dream is not to be a
A. where soccer players get the way
B. how neighborhood affects a soccer player's success
C. where they can produce the best soccer teams
D. what a poor, crowded area provides a future soccer player with
Text{{/B}} If the sun has enough {{U}} (26) {{/U}} to warm and light the whole earth, it must have enough power to do other things, {{U}} (27) {{/U}}. Can we use the sun’s {{U}} (28) {{/U}} energy to supply electricity, or at least to perform the function which electricity or other types of power usually perform The answer is {{U}} (29) {{/U}} . For example, people have for many years been using the {{U}} (30) {{/U}} heat of the sun to cook by solar {{U}} (31) {{/U}} which have been built with several incurred {{U}} (32) {{/U}} reflecting the sun and focusing the heat on the cooking element. This {{U}} (33) {{/U}} can be used like a gas or electric stove; it is more expensive to make but it doesn’t need any {{U}} (34) {{/U}} and so costs {{U}} (35) {{/U}} to u A. power B. time C. heat D. temperature [填空题]牵引变电所进线电源或主变倒换方式可采用主变自投装置进行或采用远动操作进行倒换,以<--NRC-->倒换为主。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )属于高级育婴师在早期教育方面比育婴员(师)多掌握的内容。
A.能够编制综合性个别化发展计划 B.进行不同年龄婴儿的语言训练 C.选择适宜的自理训练 D.进行不同年龄的认知训练 [单选题]只承认绝对运动,不承认相对静止的观点是( )。
A.主观唯心主义 B.相对主义和诡辩论 C.形而上学 D.客观唯心主义 [单选题]因不可抗力或者意外事件致使在烟草专卖品准运证有效期内不能完成运输的,申请人应当提供相关证明材料,并向( )申请办理更换手续。
A.货物所在地烟草专卖局 B.省级烟草专卖局 C.货物运输目的地烟草专卖局 D.原发证机关 [单选题]任何程序都必须加载到()中才能被CPU执行。
A.磁盘 B.硬盘 C.内存 D.外存 [单选题]多见于儿童及青壮年的是
A.腹股沟斜疝; B.腹股沟直疝; C.股疝; D.脐疝; E.切口疝; [简答题]全厂停电的后果是
[单选题]二极管最基本的作用是 。
A.放大信号 B.整流 C.逆变 D.单向导通 [多选题]变压器引线接头焊接后,应将多余部分铜线芯剪断,除去(____),并在裸铜部位补刷1032号醇酸漆。
A.尖角 B.毛刺 C.焦斑 D.氧化皮 [多选题]优先启动()的机械加压送风设施,视情启动位于疏散走道、顶棚和着火区域及邻近防烟分区的机械排烟设施
A.楼梯间 B.前室 C.合用前室 D.管道 [简答题]螺杆式压缩机有什么缺点?
[填空题]轴重( )t及以上的货车应装有脱轨自动制动装置。
[单选题]【2015年技术实务59】某储罐区有4个固定顶轻柴油储罐,单罐容积2000㎡,设置了低倍数泡沫灭火系统。该泡沫灭火系统的设计保护面积应按( )确定。
A.储罐罐壁与泡沫堰板间的环形面积 B.储罐表面积 C.储罐横截面积 D.防火堤内的地面面积. [填空题]为了将PDH信号装入SDH帧结构净负荷中,需要经过()、()和()三个步骤。
A.杯弓有蛇影,草木疑皆兵 B.相看两不厌,唯有敬亭山 C.寝兴目存形,遗音犹在耳 D.蝉噪林逾静,鸟鸣山更幽 [单选题]焊接与切割主要用的激光器不包括( )。
A.二氧化碳气体激光器 B.固体激光器 C.液体激光器 [单选题]急性上颌窦炎的压痛点是( )
A.A.鼻翼 B.B.眶下缘 C.C.尖牙窝 D.D.鼻旁 E.E.上唇 [填空题]SQL语言中的GRANT和REVOKE语句主要用来维护数据的【 】。
[单选题]焊缝探伤时,扫查灵敏度应在探伤灵敏度的基础上提高( )。
A.2~4dB B.1~2dB C.≥6dB D.4~6dB [单项选择]土方开挖施工都要编制土方工程施工方案,其中,( )应根据有关规范要求进行设计,并有设计计算书。
A. 边坡支护 B. 开挖方法 C. 排水 D. 放坡 我来回答: 提交