Parents of wailing (哀号) babies, take
comfort: You are not alone. Chimpanzee babies fuss. Sea gull chicks squawk.
Burying beetle larvae tap their parents’ legs. Throughout the animal kingdom,
babies know how to get their parents’ attention. Exactly why evolution has
produced all this fussing, squawking and tapping is a question many biologists
are trying to answer. Someday, that answer may shed some light on the mystery of crying in human babies. "It may point researchers in the right direction to find the cause of excessive crying," said Joseph Soltis, a bioacoustics expert at Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista. Florida. Soltis published an article on the evolution of crying in the current issue of Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Young animals vary in how much they cry, squawk or otherwise communicate with their parents, and studies with mi A. They come to doubt it. B. They take it seriously. C. They are indifferent to it. D. They are weary of it. [简答题]公共生活有序化对经济社会发展有何重要意义?
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A. 高渗性脱水 B. 等容量性高钠血症 C. 3.5~5.5mmol/L D. 高容量性高钠血症 E. 0.75~1.25mmol/L [单选题]第二代居民身份证采用的是( )和数字防伪措施。
A.直观 B.彩虹 C.荧光 D.激光 [单选题]公司施工计划由施工申请部门向()申报,具体申报时间及要求按安全技术部规定的要求执行。
A.车务部 B.生产部门 C.安全技术部 D.职能部门 [单项选择]The policeman tried to ______ the teenage driver to obey the traffic laws rather than fine him directly.
A. induce B. abduct C. indulge D. lure 我来回答: 提交