Like other forms of life on this
planet, human beings face a basic task: to deal satisfactorily with their
conflicts and thereby secure the advantages of community and cooperation. Unlike
other forms of life, human beings are born with a capacity to reflect on this
task and to search for better solutions by conscious thought and careful
choices. The task of overcoming conflicts and achieving community life and
cooperation arises because human beings are unable and unwilling to live in
complete isolation. The advantages of cooperation and community life are so
numerous and so obvious that they must have been evident to man from earliest
times. By now, our ancestors have closed off the choice; for most of us the
choice of total isolation from a community is, realistically speaking, no longer
open. Nevertheless A. human beings by their nature will always conflict with each other B. James Madison made many thoughtful comments about human beings as social animals C. our need for fellowship and the advantages of cooperation create communities D. humans have not yet been able to achieve complete harmony and to live without conflict [判断题]非破坏性检验是指全部检验过程对焊接接头不作任何破坏。
A. 口腔行使各种功能运动时,基牙及支持组织不发生下沉、松动、移位等 B. 基牙牙冠形态正常,龈高度足够,轴壁聚合度较小,具备良好的固位形 C. 固位体具备足够的摩擦力、粘结力和约束力 D. 口腔行使各种功能运动时,能够抵抗外力,不致松动或脱落,固位体牢固地固定在基牙上 E. 在口腔行使各种功能运动中受到各个方向外力时,能够保持固定桥的平衡而不会出现翘动 [单项选择]负责生产经营单位作业场所职业健康的监督管理工作的是()。
A. 卫生部门 B. 环保部门 C. 安全生产监督管理部门 [单项选择]T细胞的主要功能不包括()
A. 细胞识别 B. 细胞免疫 C. 分泌调节 D. 分泌细胞因子 E. 抗原呈递 [单选题]法人贷款发放后,如需变更担保物,正确的操作路径是
A.用信后审批要素变更流程 B.数据变更流程 C.押品解押 D.贷后管理 [单选题]领导者的本质体现在()
A.领导者的职位 B.领导者的合法权力 C.追随者的意愿 D.组织的结构和特征 [多选题]烟熏痕迹是认定火灾原因的重要证据,具有多种证明作用,可以。
A.证明起火部位、起火点 B.证明火势蔓延方向 C.证明起火特征 D.证明燃烧物种类 E. 证明燃烧时间 [多选题] LFD31107采用晶闸管构成的软并网装置具有的特点有( )
A.消除电流浪涌冲击 B.晶闸管易接触不良和磨损 C.并网平稳 D.消除峰值转矩冲击 [单选题]供用电合同是供电方与用电方签订的明确供用电双方( )关系的协议。
A. 权利 B.利益和义务 C. 权利和义务 D. 义务 [判断题]消防部队常见的消防泵主要包括车用消防泵、齿轮泵、手抬机动消防泵、浮艇泵、射流泵和水轮泵等类型。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]{{B}}E{{/B}}