For the people who have never traveled
across the Atlantic the voyage is a fantasy. But for the people who cross it
frequently one crossing of the Atlantic is very much like another, and they do
not make the voyage for the (56) of its interest. Most of us
are quite happy when we feel (57) to go to bed and pleased
when the journey (58) . On the first night this time I felt
especially lazy and went to bed (59) earlier than usual. When
I (60) my cabin, I was surprised (61) that
I was to have a companion during my trip, which made me feel a little unhappy. I
had expected (62) but there was a suitcase (63)
mine in the opposite corner. I wondered who he could be and what he
would be like. Soon afterwards he came in. He was the sort of man you might
meet (64) , except that he was wearing (6 A. up me B. up myself C. up to myself D. myself up [单项选择]以下各因素发生变化可降低食物的生糖指数的是()。
A. 延长谷类食物的烹制时间 B. 用果糖替代葡萄糖 C. 增加淀粉类食物的糊化程度 D. 食物压出水分,晒干、膨化 E. 将大颗粒淀粉变成小颗粒淀粉后食用 [多选题]符合接地装置的敷设基本要求的是( )。
A.符合GB50194《建设工程施工现场供用电安全规范》的规定 B.人工接地体的顶面埋设深度不宜小于0.5m C.人工垂直接地体宜采用热浸镀锌圆钢、角钢、钢管、螺纹钢,长度宜为2.5m D.人工水平接地体宜采用热浸镀锌的扁钢或圆钢。圆钢直径不应小于12mm E.扁钢、角钢等型钢的截面积不应小于90mm2,其厚度不应小于3mm;钢管壁厚不应小于2mm F./ G./ H./ [单选题]1.309.第309题
数据库是以一定的组织方式存储在一起的相互关联的数据集合,数据能为多个用户所共享,与应用程序彼此独立。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]杆塔分段吊装时,应将各主要受力材连接牢固后,方可继续进行吊装工作。分段分片吊装时,上下段连接牢固后,方可继续施工。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]中频炉热烧结是可使用高铬补液面。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]检修单位应加强设备检修管理,做好设备检修工作,使配电网设备处于健康状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]室内变电所的每台油量为()kg及以上的三相变压器,应设在单独的变压器室内。
A. 50 B. 100 C. 500 D. 10000 [判断题]GSM系统中用于唯一标识小区的小区全球识别码CGI由MCC、MNC、LAI和CI组成。
A. 挡泥板 B. 前横梁 C. 翼子板 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,山区抬运笨重物件或钢筋混凝土电杆的道路,其宽度不宜小于1.2m,坡度不宜大于()。
A.1:2 B.1:3 C.1:4 D.1:5 [判断题]076313公里标、半公里标、百米标、曲线标、圆曲线和缓和曲线的始终点标属于线路标志。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]集合资产管理计划即代理集合性客户资产管理业务,指农业银行利用自身网点、网络、客户资源及清算手段等,代理证券公司推广其公开对外发售的集合理财产品,对集合资产进行托管,为证券公司和投资者提供( )等服务的业务行为。
A. 投资理财 B. 账户管理 C. 资金划拨 D. 资产托管 [单项选择]有关暴发性流行性脑脊髓膜炎的描述中,哪项是错误的:
A. 常伴有肾上腺皮质出血和功能衰竭 B. 发病率低,多见于儿童,脑膜病变重 C. 临床常表现为中毒性休克和DIC D. 由脑膜炎双球菌释放的内毒素所致 E. 起病急,进展快,死亡率高 [判断题]雷电能引起火灾。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 装置污油罐顶废气收集后去向为装置加热炉。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防联动控制设备不包括( )。(易)
A.自动喷水灭火系统 B.消防电梯系统 C.气体灭火系统 D.泡沫灭火系统 [单选题]34、计算机高级语言诞生于二十世纪( )年代。
A.70 B.60 C.50 D. 40 [多选题]
调车工作要固定( )、( )、( )、( )、班次、交接班时间、交接班地点、工具数量及其存放地点。
A.作业区域 B.线路使用 C.调车机车 D.人员 [单选题]《安全生产法》规定,有关协会组织依照法律、行政法规和章程,为( )提供安全生产方面的信息、培训等服务,发挥自律作用,促进生产经营单位加强安全生产管理。
A.生产经营单位 B.安监部门 D.负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门 [单项选择]Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. Medical authorities express their (31) about the effect of smoking on the health not only (32) those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, nonsmokers who must involuntarily inhale the air polluted by the tobacco smoke may (33) more than the smokers themselves.
As you are doubtless aware, a considerable number of our students have (34) an effort to (35) the university to ban smoking in the classrooms. I believe they are entirely right in their aim. (36) , I would hope that it is possible to achieve this by (37) on the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for others rather than (38) regulation. Smoking is prohibited by city laws in theaters and in halls used for showing films as well as in laboratories (39) there may be a fire hazard. Elsewhere, it is up to your good sense. I am therefore a A. with B. by C. to D. in 我来回答: 提交