Can Buildings be Designed to Resist Terrorist
Attack In the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, structural engineers are trying hard to solve a question that a month ago would have been completely unthinkable. Can buildings be designed to withstand catastrophic blasts inflicted by terrorists’ Ten day’s after the terrorist attacks on the twin towers, structural engineers from the University at Buffalo and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research(MCEER) headquartered at UB traveled to ground zero(世贸中心被毁现场)as part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation. Visiting the site as part of an MCEER reconnaissance visit, they spent two days beginning the task of formulating ideas about how to design such structures and to searc A. that was asked by structural engineers a month ago B. that is too difficult for structural engineers to answer even now C. that was never thought of before the terrorist attack D. that terrorists are eager to find a solution to [单选题]下列压缩过程耗功最大的是( )。
A.等温压缩 B.绝热压缩 C.多变压缩 D.以上都差不多 [单选题]防爆电气设备不得随意拆卸;检修时需注意相关事项。防爆电气设备检修后,要进行必要的( )检查。
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A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [判断题]钳表是用电流互感器的原理制造的,所以只能用来测量交流电流
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