[7]The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has warned that hundreds of thousands of Burmese lives could be at risk unless the military government removes all restrictions on foreign aid following Cyclone Nargis a week ago. The UN has appealed for almost $200 million in aid. The Burmese ambassador to the UN said his country would accept help from any quarter. His government has said that it is not ready to allow in foreign search and rescue teams. [8]But the UN’s Head of Humanitarian Affairs John Holmes said he believed Burma could become more flexible after the constitutional referendum.
"The pressure on them from everyone, from us of course, but also from many states around the
world, including their friends in ASEAN, in China and India, they are all saying please be more open because there is no time to lose to get the aid in and I hope they will begin to listen." Holmes said.
Polling in the referendu
A. hold the constitutional referendum.
B. allow in foreign search and rescue teams.
C. accept international aid right away.
D. adopt John Holmes’ suggestions.
{{B}}Snow Ranger{{/B}} The two things — snow and mountains — which are’ needed for a ski area are the two things that cause avalanches, large mass of snow and ice crashing’ down the side of a mountain — often called "White Death." It was file threat of the avalanche and its record as a killer of man in the western mountains that created the snow ranger. He first started on avalanche control work in the winter of 1937 — 1938 at Alta, Utah, in Wasatch National Forest. This mountain valley was becoming well known to skiers. It was dangerous. In fact, more than 120 persons had lost their lives in 1936 and another 200 died in 1937 as a result of avalanches before it became a major ski area. Thus, development of Alta and other major ski resorts in the west was dependent upon cont A. the Forest Service B. the Resource Bureau C. the Tourist Board D. the Sports Bureau [单项选择]只有把扬场机放在与风向相()的位置时,才能获得较好的清粮效果。
A. 顶风 B. 顺风 C. 倾斜 D. 垂直 [判断题]对消防救援人员的处分种类,依次以警告为最轻处分,撤职为最重处分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肩关节前后位摄影,中心线应对准()
A. 肱骨外上髁 B. 喙突 C. 喙突下2cm D. 喙突下5cm E. 肩锁关节 [多选题]1.零件选择主视图时,( )类零件应尽量是主视图的投影方向反映零件部件的实际工作位置的原则进行。
A.支架 B.轴套 C.箱体 D.盘 [单选题]公安机关对与违反治安管理行为有关的场所、 物品、 人身进行检查时, 应当出示
A.搜查证 B.工作证件 C.县级以上人民政府公安机关开具的检查证明文件 D.工作证件和县级以上人民政府公安机关开具的检查证明文件 [多选题]《中国电业安全工作规程热力和机械部分》(QB 26164.1-2010)3.2.12规定:( )等处,不准放置杂物。
A.门口 B.通道 C.楼梯 D.平台 [多项选择]中国人民银行的贷款业务应当征收营业税的有( )。
A. 对金融企业贷款 B. 委托金融企业发放贷款 C. 向金融企业以外的单位发放贷款 D. 向个人发放贷款 [单项选择]2011年12月,中国股市将入迎来21周年。目前,股市投资者有效帐户数超过1.3亿户,资本市场成为广大百姓主要理财渠道。这表明()
A. 我国资本市场已达到世界成熟市场水平 B. 我国居民投资理财观念得到更新和改变 C. 财产性收入已成为我国居民主要收入来源 D. 按资本要素分配已成为我国主要分配方式 [判断题]伊斯兰文化传入新疆,新疆各民族文化既有抵制,更有选择性吸收和中国化改造,既没有改变属于中华文明的特质和走向,也没有改变属于中华文化一部分的客观事实。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交