Sometimes it is impossible to send all
the mail that arrives at the post office. Perhaps there is an inadequate or
illegible address and there is no return address. The post office cannot just
throw the mail away, so it becomes "dead mail". Dead mail is then sent to one of
the U.S. Postal Service’s dead mail offices in Atlanta, New York, Philadelphia,
St. Paul, and San Francisco. Seventy-five million pieces of mail can end up in
these offices in one year. The staff ’of the dead mail offices has different ways to deal with all of these pieces of dead mail. First of all, they look for clues that can help them deliver the mail; they open packages in the hope that something inside will show where the package came from or is going to. (43) {{U}}Dead mail will also be listed on a computer so that people can call in and cheek to A. To search for clues. B. To throw dead mail away. C. To open dead mail. D. To list dead mail on a computer. [单项选择]输精管结扎术后3个月,手术部位发生疼痛性结节,性兴奋或射精时加重,该绝育手术并发症是()
A. 精索血肿 B. 阴囊血肿 C. 精子肉芽肿 D. 痛性结节 E. 精索炎 [单项选择]患者男,20岁,大学生。3月份入院,因发热5天伴皮疹、咳嗽、咽部疼痛1天入院,体检:体温39.6℃,皮肤有淡红色,部分为暗红色的斑丘疹,以耳后、头面部,胸腹部为多,结膜红肿,浅表淋巴结未及。肝脾肋下未及。周围血液白细胞数为3.8×10/L,N30%,L65%,红细胞为4.5×10/1,血小板为15×10/L,尿蛋白(+),本例最可能的诊断是()
A. 流行性出血热 B. 登革热 C. 传染性单核细胞增多症 D. 钩端螺旋体病 E. 麻疹 [单项选择]治疗肠道湿热所致的便血,若便血日久,湿热未尽而营阴已亏,应清热除湿与补益阴血双管齐下,宜选用
A. 清脏汤 B. 葛根芩连汤 C. 地榆散 D. 导赤散 E. 白头翁汤 [判断题]货物在运输途中,由于货物本身、车辆技术状态或自然灾害等原因,发生货车滞留,在站滞留时间达到24小时,应拍发电报。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 在摘除马蜂窝等,或在马蜂、蜜蜂集中区域开展作业时,处置前要研判周边群众分布情况,提示周边住户关闭门窗、做好防蜂虫蛰伤防范措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]预防沙眼传播的最主要措施是()
A. 积极治疗沙眼患者 B. 对儿童保健老师进行培训 C. 加强对学生,老师和家长的相关健康教育工作 D. 定期对儿童青少年进行沙眼监测 E. 注意儿童青少年生活环境卫生 [多选题]在加热期间,应注意控制除氧器的温升速度在规定的范围内,同时注意监视除氧器(____)
A.排气 B.压力 C.水位 D.溶氧量 [单选题]1942年5月25日,八路军副参谋长( )在驻辽县的八路军总部遭到敌人合围的紧急情况下,不顾个人安危指挥部队突围,不幸中弹,壮烈殉国。
A.左权 B.高敬亭 C.黄公略 D.彭雪枫 [单选题]下列关于税法要素中,能够区别一种税和另一种税的标志是( )。
A.纳税地点 B.纳税环节 C.征税对象 D.纳税义务人 我来回答: 提交