Once it was possible to define male and
female roles easily by the division of labour. Men worked outside the home and
earned the income to support their families, while women cooked the meals and
took care of the home and the children. These roles were firmly fixed for most
people, and there was not much opportunity for men or women to exchange their
roles. But by the middle of this century, men’s and women’s roles were becoming
less firmly fixed. In the 1950s, economic and social success was the goal of the typical American. But in the 1960s developed a new force called the counterculture. The people involved in this movement did not value the middle-class American goals. The counterculture presented men and women with new role choices. Taking more interest in child care, men began to share child-raising tasks with thei A. The first sentence. B. The second and the third sentences. C. The fourth sentence. D. The last sentence. [单选题]判断皮下脂肪充实程度最方便最适宜的部位是:
A.手背 B.踝部 C.胫前 D.前臂屈侧 E.上臂屈侧 [单选题]某企业2017年支付正式职工的合理工资总额1000万元、临时工工资30万元。企业当年拨缴的工会经费28万元。在计算企业所得税时,工会经费应调增的应纳税所得额为( )万元。
A.7.40 B.8.00 C.28.00 D.9.76 [判断题]“三个代表”重要思想坚持把国家的根本利益作为出发点和归宿。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据《GB/T13035-2008带电作业用绝缘绳索》(第7.5条),有关高湿度下交流泄漏电流试验下列说法正确的是()
A. 24h高湿度下交流泄漏电流试验是将试品置于相对湿度90%、温度20℃的调温调湿箱中预处理24h后,取出试品,在规定的试验环境中测量泄漏电流值。 B. 168h高湿度下交流泄漏电流试验是将试品置于相对湿度90%、温度20℃的调温调湿箱中预处理168h后取出试品,在规定的试验环境中测量泄漏电流值。 C. 应从高压侧测量试验电压。 D. 从取出试品至测量的时间间隔应不超过10min。 [单选题]医学中心护理部督查由各医学中心护理部组织实施,每月对科室( )等进行督查,汇总质量问题,制定整改措施。
A.病区管理、急救物品管理、消毒隔离、责任制整体护理及护理文书 B.病区管理、急救物品管理、消毒隔离 C.责任制整体护理、护理文书 D.急救物品管理、消毒隔离、责任制整体护理 [单选题]办理作业许可证时,如书面审查或现场核查未通过,对查出的问题应(),申请人应重新提交一份带有对该问题解决方案的申请。
A..记录在案 B..追究责任 C..应设立备用系统 [单选题]根据中国银监会2009年发布的《货币经济公司试点管理办法》规定,下列属于货币经纪公司可以从事的业务是()。
A.投资国债 B.投资金融债券 C.向境内外金融机构提供资金拆借 D.向境内外金融机构提供经纪服务 [填空题]静态接触力应该满足静态是流要求,AC系统()~()N;DC1.5kV系统()~()N
A.先通后复 B.先通一线 C.四不放过 D.先通后复、先通一线 我来回答: 提交