Text{{/B}} Music is an important way of expressing people’s feelings and emotions. The {{U}} (26) {{/U}}, for instance, from 1960 to 1969 will be {{U}} (27) {{/U}} by many people as a period of social and political unrest in America. {{U}} (28) {{/U}} this time, many people despaired {{U}} (29) {{/U}} the music favored by the American teenagers. {{U}} (30) {{/U}}, we must now admit that the music they loved was {{U}} (31) {{/U}} a sign of the period and a {{U}} (32) {{/U}} of the tensions and changes that were {{U}} (33) {{/U}} American society. In the early sixties, {{U}} (34) {{/U}} about social justice and equality were {{U}} (35) {{/U}} by the song "Blowing in the Wind" which {{U}} (36) {{/U}} the civil rights song "We Shall Overcome". The conflict concerning military {{U}} (37) { A. performance B. display C. presentation D. publication [单选题]在电缆终端头和中间接头制作时,焊接地线应使用()。
A.喷灯 B.恒力弹簧 C.液化气枪 D.烙铁 [单项选择]胃溃疡急性穿孔,最理想的治疗方法是
A. 非手术治疗(包括胃肠减压) B. 穿孔修补术 C. 胃大部切除术 D. 迷走神经切断和穿孔修补术 [判断题]正电源与跳合闸回路、正电源与负电源回路、交流电流与交流电压回路、交流回路与直流回路间的端子布置应至少间隔2个端子,且绝缘可靠。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]子网掩码中的"1"代表().
A.A:主机部分 B.B:网络部分 C.C:主机个数 D.D:无任何意义 [单选题]李某系一又聋又哑的人,一次在盗窃时被公安机关抓获,对李某( )处罚。
A.必须从轻、减轻或不予 B.可以从轻、减轻或不予 C.必须减轻 D.从轻 [判断题]( )机车定期检修的修程为大修、中修、小修和辅修。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]网络化制造模式的特点是什么?
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