The accounts of this admirable
composer’s early proficiency in music are almost incredible. Mozart began the
piano at three years of age. At five years old he began to invent little pieces
of such ingenuity that his father used to write them down. When scarcely able to
walk, his first question to the friends who took him on their knee was, whether
they loved him, and a negative always made him weep. At six years old this
singular. child commenced with his father and sister (two years older than
himself) one of those musical tours common in Cermany, and performed at Munich
before the Elector, to the great admiration of the most musical court on the
continent. When only seven years old Mozart taught himself the violin; and thus, by the united effort of genius and industry; mastered the most difficult of all instruments. From Munich, he went to A. Mozart together with his father and sister began his musical tours at 6. B. Mozart took great efforts when learning to play the violin. C. Mozart composed all the symphonies in the world. D. Mozart received a warm welcome in the British metropolis. [单选题]《烟草专卖法实施条例》由( )颁布,自( )起施行。
A.国务院;1997年7月3日 B.全国人民代表大会常务委员会;1991年6月29日 C.全国人民代表大会常务委员会;1992年1月1日 D.国务院;1991年6月29日 [多选题]演练前,要对( )等的安全性进行全面检查。
A.演练现场 B.用于演练建筑 C.装置 D.车辆 [多选题]当事人有下列情形之一的,应当依法从轻或者减轻行政处罚()
A.主动消除或者减轻违法行为危害后果的; B.受他人胁迫有违法行为的; C.配合行政机关查处违法行为有立功表现的; D.其他依法从轻或者减轻行政处罚的。 [多选题]买入有价证券包括通过()()()等方式买入持有的银行承兑汇票、商业承兑汇票。
A.贴现 B.转贴现 C.再贴现 D.买入返售 [判断题]公民法人或者其他组织依法取得的行政许可受法律保护, 行政机 关不得变更或者撤回已经生效的行政许可。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交