In a perfectly free and open market
economy, the type of employer — government or private — should have little or no
impact on the earnings differentials between women and men. However, if there is
discrimination against one sex, it is unlikely that the degree of discrimination
by government and private employers will be the same. Differences in the degree
of discrimination would result in earnings differentials associated with the
type of employer. Given the nature of government and private employers, it seems
most likely that discrimination by private employers would be greater. Thus, one
would expect that, if women are being discriminated against, government
employment would have a positive effect on women’s earnings as compared with
their earnings from private employment. The results of a study by Fuchs’ support
this assumption A. some tentative results of Fuchs’ study B. some explicit results of Brown’s study C. a suggestion made by the author D. Fuchs’ hypothesis [多选题](2016年)下列各项中,引起“应付票据”科目金额发生增减变动的有( )。
A.开出商业承兑汇票购买原材料 B.转销已到期无力支付票款的商业承兑汇票 C.转销已到期无力支付票款的银行承兑汇票 D.支付银行承兑汇票手续费 [判断题]消解石灰,在浸水的同时必须边投料、边翻拌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下面既属承重构件,又是围护构件的是( )。
A. 门窗、墙 B. 基础、楼板 C. 屋顶、基础 D. 墙、屋顶 [简答题]抢修人员到达故障现场时限应符合哪些要求?
[单项选择]下列异常气象条件的种类中,冶金工业的炼钢、炼铁车间,机械制造工业的铸造、锻造等属于( )。
A. 高温作业 B. 高温高湿作业 C. 高湿强热辐射作业 D. 高温强热辐射作业 [判断题]工伤职工或者其近亲属不得直接向用人单位所在地统筹地区社会保险行政部门提出工伤认定申请。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]某男,45岁,外企工作。因焦虑不安求助。
求助者在外企某办事处为负责人,已十余年,薪水较高。妻子是中学教师,夫妻感情好,女儿读高中,学习优异。近一年来,生意难做,自己虽努力工作,美国老板似有不满之意,为此忧心忡忡。开始担心运货物的船只会不会沉没,有时还担心老板会不会突发疾病不治身亡。有时会想,虽然现在夫妻恩爱,等到老的时候,会不会离婚;又会想到女儿考上大学后还要面临择业和谈婚论嫁等诸多困难,自己该如何去应付。经常出现头痛、失眠、心慌、胸闷、烦躁,坐立不安,吸烟明显增加。一个月前,服用安定有些效果,但又怕长期服用会成瘾依赖。 在以后的咨询中,咨询师可以使用的咨询方法有( )。 A. 合理情绪疗法 B. 放松训练 C. 系统脱敏疗法 D. 冲击疗法 我来回答: 提交