Electronic Teaching The potential of closed-circuit television and other new electronic teaching tools is so great that it is fascinating to visualize "the school of tomorrow". Televised lessons will originate from a central building having perhaps four or five master studios. The lessons will be carried into classrooms all over a city, or even an entire country. After a televised lesson has been given, the classroom teacher will take over for the all important "follow-up" period. The students will ask any troublesome questions, and difficult points will be cleared up through discussion. The teacher in the classroom will have additional electronic tools. On the teacher’s desk, the traditional chalk and erasers will have been replaced by a multipl A. The school with a central building. B. The school with four or five master studios. C. The school with television. D. The school with televised lessons and electronic teaching tools. [单选题]某单位制后的小区,建筑老旧,安防设施简陋,封闭性较差, 且没有保安力量、案件经常发生。为了改善这一现象,社区民警的做法恰当的是:( )
A.向上级公安机关中请增派警力 B. 动员小区治安志愿者参与治安防范 C.要求小区内的单位商户出资为小区配备保安 D. 组织小区住户出资安装防范设施改善环境 [单选题]下列选项不属于运营公司基本准则的是()。
A.A、不放过任何一个威胁安全的隐患 B.B、允许无心之过,避免重复犯错 C.C、选人用人要公平,关注埋头苦干的人,警惕唱赞歌的人 D.D、开短会,说重点,常规发言每人限3分钟 [单项选择]消化性溃疡的并发症不包括:()
A. 消化道出血 B. 穿孔 C. 幽门梗阻 D. 癌变 E. 胃炎 [单项选择]乳腺纤维瘤的好发年龄是()
A. 18~25岁 B. 20~25岁 C. 40~60岁 D. 20~30岁 E. 40~50岁 [单项选择]《公司法》规定,股份有限公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币( )元。
A. 500万 B. 2000万 C. 4000万 D. 5000万 [单选题]站区须组织各车站成立志愿消防队,每站志愿消防队人数不少于()人
A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9 [单选题]手术后好发血栓的部位是:
A.下肢静脉 B.冠状动脉 C.肾动脉 D.颈静脉 E.门静脉 [判断题] 骨骼肌的物理特性是指它的粘滞性、弹性和伸展性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]扩张型心肌病超声心动图示()
A. 心脏室间隔非对称性肥厚 B. 心脏室间隔对称性肥厚 C. 心脏增大,以左心为著 D. 心脏增大,以右心为著 E. 心脏赘生物>2mm [单选题]输送带的连接方法有机械法和( )法两种。
A.A 硫化 B. 磁化 C. 胶化 [单项选择]不属于窝沟封闭适应证的是
A. 对侧同名牙有患龋倾向 B. 对侧同名牙有龋 C. 已充填完好的牙 D. 牙面窝沟可疑龋 E. 牙面窝沟较深 我来回答: 提交