Some personal characteristics
play a vital role in the development of one’ s intelligence. But people fail to
realize the importance of cultivating these factors in young people. The so-called non-intelligence factors include one’s feelings, will, motivation, interests and habits. After a 30-year follow-up study of 800 males, American psychologists found out that the main cause of disparities(差别)in intelligence is not intelligence itself, but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn, will-power and self-confidence. Though people all know that one should have definite objectives, a strong will and good learning habits, quite a number of teachers and parents don’t pay much attention to cultivating these factors. Some parents are greatly worried when their children fail to do well in their studies. They blame eit A. the schools should let students learn some psychology courses B. parents should encourage their children to form good habits form the very beginning C. parents and teachers should fully understand teenage physiological development D. parents and teachers should realize the importance of cultivating non-intelligence factors [单项选择]梅特卡夫定律表明:网络的价值随网络用户的增加而增加,这体现了______。
A. 内部经济性 B. 网络外部性 C. 网络服务性 D. 范围经济性 [单选题]【单选题】(1.0分)
某县广播电视局的执法人员对盗接广播电视信号的李某实施了罚款500元的行政处罚。罚款决定书送达后,李某拒不执行。对此,广播电视局做法正确的是()。 A.请示领导派人将李家电视变卖以抵缴罚款 B.申请人民法院强制执行 C.派人对李某暴打一顿 D.移送司法机关 [单项选择]中国农业银行接受的押品仅限于《中国农业银行信贷业务押品分类管理表》中可单独设押的品种,拟超出该范围选用押品的,须经()批准。
A. 总行 B. 省分行 C. 二级分行 D. 经营行 [判断题] 实现“诚信修车”,有利于促进整个行业协调发展。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]来源于豆科的药材是()
A. 苏木 B. 川木通 C. 通草 D. 大血藤 E. 沉香 [单选题]{A}按照检查方案拟定的组织形式、()、检查方式等要求认真组织检查。 B.任务分工 C.检查原则 D.检查程序 [单项选择]磨床的()精度是保证加工精度的最基本条件。
A. 几何 B. 传动 C. 定位 D. 工作 [简答题]三相直接式电能表的安装
关于法律责任,下列说法正确的是()。 A.违法行为是承担法律责任的唯一原因 B.法律责任的竞合只发生在同一法律部门内部 C.王某考试作弊,被学校处以留校察看处分,属于法律制裁 D.法律责任需要以国家强制力为后盾 [多选题]四显示自动闭塞区段发车进路色灯信号机有( )显示方式。
A.一个绿色灯光 B.一个绿色灯光和一个黄色灯光 C.一个黄色灯光 D.一个红色灯光 [单选题]燃油消耗率最低的负荷是( )。
A.发动机怠速时 B.发动机大负荷时 C.发动机中等负荷时 D.发动机小负荷时 [单选题]二级动火时,()应指定人员,并和消防(专职)人员或指定的义务消防员始终在现场监护。
A.各级审批人 B.供电公司负责人 C.工区 D.供电公司安监部门 [判断题]―年版第五套人民币100元纸币上应用的双色横号码位于票面正面左下方。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有关细菌性痢疾下列哪项是错误的
A.所有的痢疾杆菌只有内毒素 B.菌痢常见致病菌为福氏痢疾杆菌,宋内氏次之 C.菌痢主要病变部位是直肠,乙状结肠 D.菌痢是属于侵袭性腹泻 E."依链"痢疾杆菌活菌苗可用作人工主动免疫 [单项选择]按照制图标准的规定,A4图纸的幅面应当是A3的()
A. 1倍 B. 2倍 C. 0.5倍 D. 二者相同 [多项选择]按照公司部门职责分工,公司总部重点报销业务归口管理部门为(),以下哪种说法是正确的:
A. 国网办公厅负责业务招待费、会议费报销 B. 国网人资部负责广告宣传费报销。 C. 国网国际部负责出国(境)人员经费报销。 D. 国网外联部负责培训费报销。 [判断题]车站值班员在收到接车站同意接车的电话记录号码(双线正方向除首列发车时,根据收到前次发出的列车到达接车站的电话记录号码)以前,不准开箱取出路票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进行线路停电作业前,应断开线路上需要操作的()(含分支)断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸)和熔断器。
A.A.各端 B.B.两端 C.C.电源侧 D.D.受电侧 [判断题]《国务院办公厅关于规范国有土地使用权出让收支管理的通知》(国办发[2006]100号)规定,编制年度土地出让收支预算要坚持“以支定收、收支平衡”的原则。( )
A. 编造假账的主管会计 B. 公司总经理 C. 董事长秘书 D. 公司董事长 [单选题]在带电杆塔上进行测量、防腐、巡视检查、紧杆塔螺栓、清除杆塔上异物等工作,风力应小于( )级。
A.6; B.5; C.4; D.3; [不定项选择题]共用题干
Preserving Nature for Future Demands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hide the fact that similar needs are felt in the rest of Europe.Studies by the Council of Europe,of which 21 counties are members,have shown that 45 percent of reptile(爬行类的)species and 24 percent of butterflies are in danger of dying out. European concern for wildlife was outlined by Dr. Peter Baum,an expert in the environment and natural resources division of the council,when he spoke at a conference arranged by the administrators of a British national park.The park is one of the few areas in Europe to hold the council's diploma for nature reserves of the highest quality,and Dr. Peter Baum had come to present it to the park once again.He was afraid that public opinion was turning against national parks,and that those set up in the 1960s nd 1970s could not be set up today. But Dr. Baum clearly remained a strong supporter of the view that natural environments' needed to be allowed to survive in peace in their own right. "No area could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve and as a tourist attraction,"he went on. The short-sighted(眼光短浅的)view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for outdoor recreation should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for the fu- ture. "We forget that they are the guarantee of life systems,on which any built-up area ultimately depends," Dr. Baum went on,"We could manage without most industrial products,but we could not manage without nature.However,our. natural environment areas,which are the original parts of our countryside,have shrunk to become mere(纯粹的)islands in a spoiled and highly polluted land mass." Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph? A.We have developed industry at the expense of countryside. B.We have forgotten what our original countryside looked like. C.People living on islands should protect natural resources for their survival. D.We should destroy all the built-up areas, [多选题]. 成都地铁的服务方针是什么?
A.无微不至,悉心照顾 B.形象规范,美观大方 C.微笑服务,热忱主动 D.坚持原则,灵活处理 E.乘客为先,有礼有节 [填空题]司机在列车运行中,应彻底瞭望,确认信号,执行( )制度,严格按信号显示要求行车,确保列车安全正点。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]专用集中告警系统管理的信息来自( )。
A.传输系统 B.无线系统 C.广播系统 D.以上均是 [单选题]烧伤急救时,强酸或碱灼伤应迅速脱去被溅染衣物,现场立即用大量清水彻底冲洗,要彻底,然后用适当的药物给予中和;冲洗时间不少于()min。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 我来回答: 提交