I remember one night a few years ago when my daughter was frantic with worry. After my Harvard Extension School classes, I usually arrived at the bus station near my home by 11 p. m., but on that night I was nowhere to be found. My daughter was nervous. It wasn’t safe for a single woman to walk alone on the streets at night, especially one as defenseless as I am: I can slay a mugger with my sharp wit, but I am just too short to do any real physical damage.
That night my daughter checked the bus station, drove around the streets, and contacted some friends. But she couldn’t find me--until she called my astronomy professor who told her that I was on top of the Science Center using the telescope to gaze at the stars. Unaware of the time, I had gotten lost in the heavens and was only thinking about the new things I had learned that night in class.
This story illustrates a habit I have developed over the years: I lose track of the time when it comes to lear
Scientists have known for more than two
decades that cancer is a disease of the genes. Something scrambles the DNA
inside a nucleus, and suddenly, instead of dividing in a measured fashion, a
cell begins to copy itself furiously. Unlike an ordinary cell, it never, stops.
But describing the process isn’t the same as figuring it out. Cancer cells are
so radically different from normal ones that it’s almost impossible to untangle
the sequence of events that made them that way. So for years researchers have
been attacking the problem by taking normal cells and trying to determine what
changes will turn them cancerous - always Without success. According to a report in the current issue of Nature, a team of scientists based at M. I .T.’s Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research has finally managed to make human ceils malignant -a f A. lengthening the ends of chromosomes B. altering the structure of telomeres C. increasing the levels of telomerase D. modulating the cell dividing process [单项选择]用噬菌体去感染内含大量3H的细菌,待细菌解体后3H()
A. 随细菌的解体而消失 B. 发现于噬菌体的外壳及DNA中 C. 仅发现于噬菌体的DNA中 D. 仅发现于噬菌体的外壳中 [单选题]监理工程师应当按照( )要求,采取旁站、巡视和平行检验等形式,对建设工程实施监理。
A.《建设工程质量管理条例》 B.《建筑法》 C.工程监理规范 D.监理企业技术标准 [多选题]我国《保险法》将保险分为( )。
A.财产保险 B.损害保险 C.人身保险 D.人身意外保险 E.责任保险 [多选题]个人开立Ⅱ类银行账户可以绑定本人()进行身份验证。
A.I类银行账户 B.信用卡账户 C.非银行支付机构开立的支付账户 D.Ⅲ类银行账户 [单选题]控制( )可调整发动机转速。
A.气门 B.油路 C.油门 D.滚筒 [判断题]断路器、负荷开关和高压计量箱的水平倾斜不应大于托架长度的1/50。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]判断题企业境外债券,是指境内企业及其控制的境外企业或分支机构向境外举借的,仅以本币计价,按约定还本付息的债务工具,包括但不限于境外人民币债券,美元债券,欧元债券。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]用来归集和分配企业生产车间为生产产品而发生的各项间接生产费用的账户是( )。
A. 间接费用账户 B. 生产成本账户 C. 制造费用账户 D. 管理费用账户 [单选题]心室舒张时射血停止,但血液仍在流动,其动力来自( )
A.心脏收缩力的余波 B.外周阻力相对减少 C.主动脉的弹性回缩 D.动脉管口径增大 E.惯性作用 [多项选择]以下哪些说法正确()
A. 食品应当无毒、无害 B. 食品应当符合营养要求 C. 食品应当有良好的色、香、味等感觉性状 D. 母乳代用品和宣传疗效的食品禁止发布广告 E. 对专供婴幼儿的主、辅食品必须符合国务院卫生行政部门制定的营养、卫生标准 [单项选择]哈斯廷挛缩是一种一只手或两只手的连接组织的失调,通常会导致行动能力的丧失。一项对几千份医疗保险索赔的调查表明,一只手进行过哈斯廷挛缩手术的人中有30%在三年内会对该种失调进行第二次手术。因此,显而易见,对哈斯廷挛缩进行一次性手术治疗通常对于长期矫正这种失调是无效的。
下列哪一项如果正确,最能削弱上述论断( ) A. 医疗保险索赔并没有说明手术是针对患者的左手还是右手进行的。 B. 针对哈斯廷挛缩采取的手术技术与那些成功地用于处理某种手部工伤的手术技术相同。 C. 一项独立的调查发现,动过哈斯廷挛缩手术的患者中有90%在术后一个月内手部的活动能力上升了。 D. 调查中,所有的患者都被其保险公司要求在动手术前向一位有资格的医生寻求不同意见。 我来回答: 提交