In a purely competitive market, the supplier of goods and services has no control over the market price, because he produces too little to influence market conditions. With no difference between his products and the products (51) his competitors, he will sell nothing if he charges above the market price and he will sell all if he charges at or (52) the market price. However, in considering the price, he must take the (53) of production into consideration. There are times when he may be willing to sell below his cost. This might happen when prices tumble for (54) he believes will be a short time. However, no business person can (55) to lose money for a prolonged period. He must be constantly (56) of his costs in relation to the market price if he is to compete successfully and earn a profit.
Many people have the impression that as producti
A. below
B. beneath
C. over
D. above
There are two types of people in the
world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts
of life, one becomes happy and the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the
different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting
effects upon their minds. People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things: the pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine and the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are A. have a good taste with social life B. make others unhappy C. tend to scold others openly D. enjoy the pleasure of life [判断题]固体颗粒能够被自己轻得多的流体流化起来,其内在原因是流体在颗粒固体之间流动时与小颗粒产生磨擦力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]垄断企业的定价一定高于寡头市场的均衡价格。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]直进法适用于车削螺距较小的三角形螺纹。
A. 肾实质癌 B. 肾盂癌 C. 乳头状瘤 D. 肾母细胞瘤 E. 以上都不对 [多选题]使用的滑车应有防止脱钩的( )。使用开门滑车时,应将开门勾环扣紧,防止绳索自动跑出。
A.保险装置 B.封口措施 C.专人监护 D.专人指挥 [单选题]陕西天悦2021年工作报告要求,开展“投诉掘金”行动,推进全触点客户投诉归集,引导地市加强人员配备,赋能( )一线,重复投诉率。
A.10086 B.10085 C.10000 D.10010 [多选题]赞美个人可以从哪些方面进行赞美?
A.衣着打扮 B.风度气质 C.才华成就 D.长相身材 [判断题]( )轨道检查仪在更新参数前不需要核对管理员密码。不需要/需要
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对采取人工检查或人机分工检查方式进行列检作业的列车,车辆制动软管的连结、机车与第一辆车的( )和( )摘结、单班单司机值乘的列车机车与第一辆车的连挂,由( )负责。
A.车钩摘解 B.制动软管 C.检车员 D.司机 [单选题]在多数情况下,下列几种频率中能获得最佳分辨率的是( )。
A.1MHz B.5MHz C.10MHz D.2.5MHz [多项选择]我国利率市场化改革的基本思路是( )。
A. 先外币、后本币 B. 先存款、后贷款 C. 先贷款、后存款 D. 存款先大额长期、后小额短期 E. 存款先大额短期、后小额长期 [单选题]船员在工作上,不仅需要严格的制度,明确的分工,还需要有______。
A.感情交流 B.和谐的人际关系 C.和谐的工作环境 [填空题]Internet的信息服务方式分为基本服务和扩展服务,电子邮件属于【 】。
[单选题]在带电的电流互感器二次回路上工作时,应禁止将电流互感器二次侧( )(光电流互感器除外)。
A.A.短路 B.B.开路 C.C.三相短接 D.D.接地 [单项选择]急性心肌梗死病人最需要紧急处理的心律失常是
A. 频发房性过早搏动 B. Ⅰ度房室传导阻滞 C. 心房颤动 D. 多源频发室性期前收缩 E. 窦性心动过缓 [单选题]车站员工的消防安全培训应当至少每季度进行一次,培训的内容还应当包括组织、引导在场群众疏散的知识和技能。
A.正确 B.错误 C.每半年 [判断题]操规规定电力机车机械间巡视的时机,始发列车出站后,发生异音、异状时。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列说法中正确的是()
A.表达式isinstance('abc',int)的值为False。 B.在Python中可以为不同变量赋值为相同值,多个变量指向不同的内存地址。 C.查看变量类型的Python内置函数是type。 D.在Python中关键字Null表示空类型。 [判断题]隔离开关触头的防雨罩应该在接触面的上方,开口向上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电力建设-变电专业往坑、槽内运石料应使用溜槽或吊运。卸料时坑、槽内不得有人。修整石块时,应戴(),两人不得对面操作。在脚手架上砌石不得使用大锤。
A.面罩 B.墨镜 C.风镜 D.防护眼镜 [单项选择]()是相互有联系、有某些共同特征的人群共同居住的一定的区域。
A. 社区 B. 街道 C. 家庭 D. 社会 [不定项选择题]A.浮脉
A.沉脉 B.迟脉 C.数脉 D.虚脉 E.热证时常见 我来回答: 提交