One in three Americans said that money
was a crucial factor in their decision to work for pay (or have a spouse work)
rather than stay home to raise the children, with Baby Boomer women most likely
to have made that choice. Forty-five percent of Baby Boomer women—compared with
just 32 percent of those 55 and over—said they went to work. "Baby Boomer women,
especially the older ones, grew up expecting to replicate the pattern of their
mothers’ lives," suggests Hochschild. "But then the bills started coming in and
more job opportunities opened up, and these women moved into a life they hadn’t
anticipated." Money played a great role in marriage—even an unhappy one. Approximately 18 percent of all those interviewed said they stayed married because they lacked money to get a divorce, while less than 8 percent said that financial strain A. there were more job opportunities B. they were bored staying at home C. they don’t have enough money to buy their own house D. life was costly [简答题]解表药具有哪些药理作用?
A. 保持呼吸道通畅 B. 胸外心脏按压 C. 口对口人工呼吸 D. 心内注射复苏药物 E. 除颤 [单项选择]孔子说:“道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻;道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。”这句话说明,与法律相比,道德具有的鲜明特征是( )。
A. 自觉性和他律性 B. 自律性和自觉性 C. 强制性和自律性 D. 强制性和他律性 [单项选择]甲图书音像公司在某经营期间共销售1万册图书、2万套DVD音像制品,转让两项外观设计专利,出售一块境内土地使用权。根据《营业税暂行条例》,这些经营业务属于营业税征税范围的是()。
A. 销售一万册图书 B. 销售两万套DVD音像制品 C. 转让两项外观设计专利 D. 出售一块境内土地使用权 [单项选择]肾功能不全者,不宜使用()
A. ARB B. β受体阻滞剂 C. 利尿剂 D. ACEI E. 钙拮抗剂 [多选题]SF6开关检修工作结束后,检修人员应()。
A.吸氧 B.把用过的工器具及防护用具清洗干净 C.洗澡 D.把用过的工器具及防护用具直接退库处理 [单选题]在全党开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动,是党的( ) 大作出的一项重大战略部署。
A.十五 B.十八 C.十七 D. 十六 [判断题]国际流行的酒度表示法有两种,即英制和美制
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]5号线驾驶模式中,RM指的是( )。
A.限制人工模式 B.自动折返模式 C.非限制人工模式 D.无防护的ATP模式 [单选题]到站台上迎送旅客的人员应买站台票,站台票( )有效。
A.当日 B.使用一次 C.当日使用一次 D.重复使用 [单选题]若在()的平台上工作,应采取有效隔离措施,如铺设木板等。
A. 围栏式 B. 屏障式 C. 格栅式 D. 平台式 [单选题]调整天线要求俯仰角符合设计要求,误差不大于( )。
A. 5° B. 10° C. 15° D. 30° 我来回答: 提交