Task 1
Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 1 to 5. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Unlike Britain, the US does not have a national health care service. The government does help pay for some medical care for people who are on low incomes and for old people, but most people buy insurance (保险) to help pay for medical care. The problems of those who cannot afford insurance are an important political subject.
In Britain, when people are ill, they usually go to a family doctor first. However, people in America sometimes go straight to an expert without seeing their family doctor first. Children are usually taken to a doctor who is an expert in the treatment (治疗) of children. In Britain, if a patient needs to see a speci
A. be treated if they have an insurance
B. make an appointment with a specialist only
C. receive treatment even without insurance
D. normally go to see an expert for treatment
{{B}}Brokers{{/B}} Brokers neither physically handle products being distributed nor work on a continuing{{U}} (19) {{/U}}with their principals{{U}} (20) {{/U}}, a broker is an independent wholesaling middleman that brings buyers and sellers together and provides market information to either party. M0st brokers work for sellers, {{U}} (21) {{/U}}a small percentage represent buyers. Brokers have no authority to set prices. They simply negotiate a sale and leave it up to the seller to accept or{{U}} (22) {{/U}}the buyer’s offer. They also furnish considerable A. take title to B. take title of C. have title for D. give the title to [单选题]肾癌的高发年龄为( )
A..20~30岁 B..31~40岁 C..50~60岁 D..61~70岁 E..70岁以上 [单选题] 施工现场的电焊机应根据施工区需要而设置。多台电焊机集中布置时,应将电焊机和控制刀闸作对应的编号。电焊机一次侧电源线不得超过( )m,二次侧引出线不得超过30m。一、二次线应布置整齐,牢固可靠。 (1.0分)
A. 5.0 B. 6.0 C. 7.0 D. 8.0 [判断题]( )冷凝加热炉启停操作烫伤的防范措施是放空、站在侧面。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在审核方案的实施过程中,审核方案管理人员应做好以下哪些工作:( )
A.确定每次审核的目标、范围和准则 B. 选择审核方法 C.向审核组提供必要的资源 D.确保记录审核活动,并妥善管理和保持审核活动的文件化信息 [单选题]桥式起重机电线进入接线端子箱时,线束用( )捆扎。
A.绝缘胶布 B.腊线 C.软导线 D.硬导线 [单项选择]不促进胰岛素释放,不加重肥胖的降糖药为()
A. 二甲双胍 B. 甲苯磺丁脲 C. 格列本脲 D. 格列吡嗪 E. 氯磺丙脲 [单选题]信息集成的过程⼀般包括四个阶段:①选题⽴意阶段②设计规划 阶段③开发制作阶段④评估测试阶段,那么根据主题需求和各种素材 的特⾊进⾏素材的选择是属于哪个阶段。( )
A.①选题⽴意阶段 B.②设计规划阶段 C.③开发制作阶 段 D.④评估测试阶段 [判断题]工作日高峰时段指:7:00~9:00、16:00~18:00。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在镗床上常用的加工内沟槽的方法主要有()。
A. 利用自动径向进给刀架加工 B. 利用平旋盘加工 C. 利用斜楔式径向内槽镗刀杆加工 D. 利用45°悬臂式镗刀杆加工 E. 利用径向进给镗削加工 F. 利用90°弯头刀加工 [单项选择]患者女性,32岁,半年多来,食欲明显增加,但却日渐消瘦。近日,随着天气酷热,经常汗流浃背,且伴有紧张、焦虑、失眠、易怒及心悸等。来院检查,经血清TH测定、甲状腺吸碘率测定,诊断为甲状腺功能亢进。该患者不能使用的治疗药物为()
A. 甲状腺素 B. Na131I C. 复方碘溶液 D. 卡比马唑 E. 丙硫氧嘧啶 [单项选择]下列程序执行后输出的结果是 ______。
int d=1; fun(int p) int d=5; d+=p++; printf("%d,",D) ;main( ) int a=3; fun(A) ; d+=a++; printf("%d/n",D) ; A. 8,12 B. 9,13 C. 8,4 D. 9,5 [单选题],
T501抗氧化剂是烷基酚抗氧化剂中的一种,外观为()。 A.白色粉状晶体 B.白色粉末 C.浅黄色颗粒 D.无色液体 [判断题]态度与品德的实质是相同的。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]通信机房内各种电缆的金属外皮、设备的金属外壳和框架、进风道、水管等不带电金属部分、门窗等建筑物金属结构等,应以()与()连接。
A. 直线方式,垂直接地极。 B.直线方式; 环形接地母线 C.短距离;垂直接地极 D.短距离;环形接地母线 我来回答: 提交