Hazardous products are being pushed on
the Third World in increasing volume. There are many examples of these:
pharmaceutical (处方的) drugs, contraceptives (避孕药) and pesticides banned years ago
in Europe, America, or Japan but sold by companies of these same countries to
the Third World; cigarettes with a far higher tar(焦油) and nicotine contents than
in the rich countries. The health effects on Third World peoples are
terrible. The hazardous technologies and products imported from the industrialized countries often displace local technologies and products that may be more appropriate to meet the production and consumption needs of the Third World. Labor intensive technologies that provide employment for the community and are in harmony with the environment are replaced with capital intensive modern technologies that in man A. the Third World needs industrialized countries’ help to meet their needs B. modem technologies and products replace the old ones in the Third World C. technologies and products from industrialized countries are more suitable to the Third World D. home-grown technologies and products may be more suitable to the Third World [单项选择]1651年英国政府颁布垄断海外贸易的《航海条例》,1656年清政府颁布《禁海令》。这两个关于海外贸易条令的共同点是()
A. 以贸易保护主义为指导思想 B. 条令反映了当时社会的经济基础 C. 禁止国民进行海外贸易 D. 增强了本国的经济实力 [单选题]At home, children usually learn about gender differences by observing and ( )_ their parents’ behavior.
A.controlling B.modifying C.imitating D.changing [简答题]白噪声的定义。
[单选题]村集体经济组织对于债务单位撤销,确实无法追还的应收款项,按规定程序批准核销后,应当计入( )。
A.经营支出 B.其他支出 C.坏账损失 D.管理费用 [多选题](2015年11月)员工素质测评的基本原理不包括 ()
A.个体差异原理 B.同素异构原理 C.工作差异原理 D.目标导向原理 E.人岗匹配原理 [多选题]下列选项中符合队列纪律的是( )。
A.坚决执行命令,做到令行禁止 B.姿态端正,队容严整,精神振作,严肃认真 C.按照规定的位置列队,集中精力听指挥,动作迅速.准确协调一致 D.保持队列整齐,出.入列可以不用报告 [判断题]( )空气滤清器堵塞,将会导致发动机行驶中熄火。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列选项中,不在一切险承保范围内的险别是( )
A.偷窃、提货不着险 B.渗 漏 险 C.交货不到险 D.破碎险 [简答题]试述HXD1电力机车冷却塔的冷却回路?
A.给患者补水 B.通过放射测量后拔出导管至合适位置 C.将患者体位改变 D.使用抗心律失常药 E.立即拔除导管 [单项选择]牙尖交错位咬合接触异常导致的影响中不包括()
A. 有关牙齿发生硬组织磨耗、缺损、折裂 B. 牙周支持组织创伤 C. 肌肉功能的病理性反应 D. 发音和吞咽功能障碍 E. 颞下颌关节紊乱 [判断题]过电流保护是变压器的主保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]便步用于调整步伐和整齐。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]生物价(BV)
[简答题]《氮气安全管理制度》规定,以下( )工作情况禁止使用氮气。
A. 传感器信息 B. 电罗经信息 C. 磁罗经信息 D. 真航向信息 [单选题]在国际资本流动中,投资目的在于获利,而不具有企业控制权的投资是()。
A.直接投资 B.贷款投资 C.国际借贷 D.证券投资 我来回答: 提交