Human language is a living thing. Each language has
its own biological system, which makes it different from all other languages.
This system must constantly adjust to a new environment and new situations to
survive and flourish (兴盛). When we think of human language this way, it is an easy step to see the words of a language as being like the ceils of a living organism (机物)-they are constantly forming and dying and splitting into parts as time changes and the language adapts. There are several specific processes by which new words are formed. Some words come into the language which sound like what they refer to. Words like buzz (嗡嗡) and ding-dong are good examples of this process. A. Two. B. Four. C. Three. D. Five. [多项选择]以下哪些关于民族地区的说法是正确的()
A. 泛指少数民族聚居的地区 B. 中国民族自治地方面积占我国国土面积的64%左右 C. 60%的少数民族居住在民族八省区 D. 民族八省区占国土面积的58% [多项选择]明清皇宫建筑的布局特点是()
A. 严格的中轴对称 B. 左祖右社 C. 单体建筑高大雄伟 D. 前朝后寝 [简答题]对冷却器扫线时,必须先切断冷却水进出口,打开冷却水放空将剩水放尽,并保持开启。
[填空题]( )闭塞区段货物列车尾部须挂列尾装置,其他区段货物列车尾部宜挂列尾装置。
A. 微管正极的组装速度快于负极 B. 微管的体外组装分步进行 C. 微管的极性对于微管的增长和功能实现具有重要意义 D. 微管可随细胞的生命活动不断的组装和去组装 E. 微管蛋白的聚合和解聚是不可逆的自体组装过程 [判断题]运输与装卸搬运既能增加产品成本,也能增加产品价值。
[单选题]高压设备发生接地时,室内人员不得接近故障点( )m 以内。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [判断题] 紧急救护的基本原则是在现场采取积极措施,保护伤员的生命,减轻伤情,减少痛苦,并根据伤情需要,迅速与医疗急救中心(医疗部门)联系救治。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交