After he became Chancellor Hitler had
to accept a certain degree of routine. This was against his natural inclination.
He hated systematic work, hated any discipline. Administration bored him and he
usually left, as much as he could to others. When he had a big speech to prepare
he would put off beginning work on it until the last moment. Once he could bring
himself to begin dictating he worked himself into a passion rehearsing the whole
performance and shouting so loudly that his voice echoed through the neighboring
rooms. The speech composed, he was a man with a load off his mind. He would
invite his secretaries to lunch praising and flattering them and amusing them.
Most North Germans regarded such lack of discipline as a typically Austrian
characteristic. In Hitler’s eyes it was part of his artist nature: he should
have been A. liked a brilliant, aristocratic way of life B. liked luxury and irresponsibility C. was fonder of pleasure than of work D. liked modest and ordinary pleasures [多选题]技能人员职业资格中,社会体育指导员的游泳、( )、攀岩项目,属于准入类职业资格。
A.滑雪 B.篮球 C.足球 D.潜水 [单选题] 《中华人民共和国招标投标法》规定,应由( )监督活动是否依法进行。
A.招标人董事会 B.招标代理机构 C.仲裁机构改革 D.建设行政部门 [判断题]收费道口的数量应当符合车辆快速通过的需要,不得造成车辆堵塞。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]构成累犯的前后两个犯罪,( )。
A. 前后两个犯罪均为故意犯罪 B. 前后两个犯罪至少有一个为故意犯罪 C. 前后两个犯罪的刑罚均是有期徒刑以上 D. 后罪必须在前罪执行完毕或者假释后3年内 [单选题]勃然大怒、暴跳如雷、欣喜若狂表现了( )状态。
A.表情 B.心境 C.激情 D.应激 [单选题]根据《城镇燃气设计规范》,城镇地下中压燃气管道与直埋电缆的垂直安全净距为( )。
A. 0.15米 B.0.3 米 C.0.5米 D.1.0米 [填空题]催化剂升温还原过程大致可分为()、()、()()和()五个阶段。
[多选题]设有驼峰信号的车站,机车推送车辆下峰时,不准使用驼峰( )溜放信号,应使用( )信号指示机车作业。
A.推进 B.连结 C.溜放 D.机车下峰 [单项选择]Our new house is very ______ for me as I can get to the office within five minutes.
A. comfortable B. convenient C. available D. capable [单选题]所有现金的加封均须由( )负责加封。
A.站务员 B.参与清点的人员 C.值班员 D.值班站长 [单项选择]《人间传染的病原微生物名录》中艾滋病病毒按危害程度分类属于()。
A. 第一类病原微生物 B. 第二类病原微生物 C. 第三类病原微生物 D. 第四类病原微生物 [单选题]避雷器的作用是防止()。
A.工作过电压 B.大气过电压 C.工作过电压和大气过电压 D.以上说法都不对 我来回答: 提交