The United States is usually given credit for creating and developing the musical comedy as it is known today. The first musical shows were based (1) everyday American life and the (2) development of the form took place in the United States for more than half a century. (3) the early 1970s, (4) , the London theater has (5) the Broadway stage.
The Black Crook, which opened at Niblo’s Garden in New York City on Sept. 12, 1866, is usually (6) as the inspiration for musical comedy. A troupe of French ballet dancers (7) to be stranded in New York without work (8) a fire damaged the theater (9) they had been booked. In order to keep a (10) to them, the theater producer put the dancers into a melodrama written by Charles M. Barres.
The first stage production that was (11) a musical comedy was a show that was (12) from the Prince of Wales Theater to the Gaiety
A. thought
B. believed
C. credited
D. said
It’s that time of year when we pack up
our bags and head to the beach for the day to enjoy those warm sunrays and tile
refreshing sound of the lapping water. Here are some helpful tips to make your day at the beach fun and keep you looking fashion fresh all day and all the way home. First, before you leave home, if you’ve got long hair, pull it into a high pony tail or fun knot. Use some funky hair accessories that will stay in place when you’re swimming. Second, slather yourself in sunscreen before leaving the house, and then toss the sunscreen in your bag so you can reapply after a swim or every few hours. Don’t let yourself turn into the lobster of the day. Why not get something fun and fashionable to keep you looking fashion fresh Make sure you’ve got all the daily essentials in your bag--sunglasses A. Look Fashionable At The Beach! B. Beautiful Beaches! C. Traveling Around The World! D. Vocations On The Beach! [单项选择]在某次实验时,测得骨骼的密度为0.3,测得其相邻肌肉组织的密度为1.5,两点间距1mm。
影响锐利度的因素正确的是 A. 与对比度成反比 B. 与模糊度成正比 C. 两者间距越大,锐利度越大 D. 两者间距越大,影像边缘越模糊 E. 球管焦点越大影像锐利度越大 [单项选择]王夫之说,“无理则欲滥,无欲则理亦废”“倘以尽己之理压伏其欲,则于天下多有所不通;若只推其所欲,不尽乎理,则人己利害,势相扞格,而有不能推”。与这一观点的精神实质最为接近的是()
A. “圣人千言万语只是教人存天理,灭人欲” B. “穿衣吃饭,即是人伦物理,除却穿衣吃饭,无伦物矣” C. “人是万物的尺度” D. “有思想力的人是万物的尺度” [单选题]静脉注射甘露醇引起尿量增加是通过:
A.增加肾小球滤过率 B.增加肾小管液中溶质的浓度 C.减少抗利尿激素的释放 D.减少醛固酮的释放 E.减少远曲小管和集合管对水的通透性 [单选题]各类型的结核病首选药是
A.异烟肼 B.利福平 C.链霉素 D.乙胺丁醇 E.吡嗪酰胺 [单选题]心电运动试验不包括
A.极量运动试验 B.定性行走试验 C.定量行走试验 D.症状限制性运动试验 E.低水平运动试验 [单选题] 潜油电泵测压阀安装在管柱的()。
A. 最上端 B. 单向阀以上 C. 泄油阀以上 D. 最下端 [单项选择]
Weight on and off the Earth
We are so used to our life on the surface of the earth that it can be quite an effort for our mind to break free of all the ideas that we take for granted. Because we can feel that things are heavy, we think of "weight" as being a fixed quality in an object, but it is not really fixed at all. If you could take a one-pound packet of butter 4,000 miles out from the earth, it would weigh only a quarter of a pound. [单项选择]开展食管电生理检查所需要的设备是()。
A. 食管心房调搏仪 B. 心电图机 C. 除颤器 D. 食管电极导管 E. 以上都是 [多选题]使用钢管搭设跨越架时,如有( )等情况的不得使用。
A.弯曲严重 B.磕瘪变形 C.表面有严重腐蚀 D.裂纹 E.脱焊 [单项选择]我国的财政管理机构划分为( )。
A. 两级 B. 三级 C. 四级 D. 五级 [单选题]企业事业单位和其他生产经营者在生产经营活动中产生恶臭气体的,应当科学选址,( ),并安装净化装置或者采取其他措施,防止排放恶臭气体。
A.科学施工 B.设置合理的防护距离 C.反复验证 D.精准计算 我来回答: 提交