John had not much affection for his
mother and sisters, and an antipathy to me. He bullied and punished me; not two
or three times in the week, nor once or twice in the day, but continually: every
nerve I had feared him, and every morsel of flesh in my bones shrank when he
came near. There were moments when I was bewildered by the terror he inspired,
because I had no appeal whatever against either his menaces or his inflictions;
the servants did not like to offend their young master by taking my part against
him, and Mrs. Reed was blind and deaf on the subject: she never saw him strike
or heard him abuse me, though he did both now and then in her very presence,
more frequently, however, behind her back. Habitually obedient to John, I came up to his chair: he spent some three minutes in thrusting ou A. She was playing with John. B. She was fighting with John. C. She was bullied by John. D. She was quarreling with John. [单选题]对经行政复议决定撤销.变更原处罚决定或者责令被申请人重新作出具体行政行为的行政诉讼案件,由()出庭应诉。
A.原办案公安机关 B.作出处罚决定的公安机关 C.原办案公安机关的上一级公安机关 D.行政复议机关 [多选题]全部工作完毕后,工作班成员应( ),全体工作班成员撤离工作地点。
A.删除工作过程中产生的临时数据、临时账号等内容 B.确认电力通信系统运行正常 C.清扫、整理现场 D.汇报调度部门 [单选题]专责监护人的安全责任包含:明确被监护人员和()。
A.许可工作的命令正确 B.工作必要性 C.监护范围 D.安全注意事项 E.略 F.略 [单选题]搜狐:新浪( )
A.苹果:香蕉 B.鞋带:鞋盒 C.联想:华为 D.硬盘:硬件 [多项选择]在会计处理上,()、城市维护建设税和教育费附加包含在“营业税金及附加”中。
A. 营业税 B. 消费税 C. 资源税 D. 土地增值税 E. 关税 [多选题]银行业金融机构常见的消毒方式有哪些?
A.紫外线消毒 B.电子束辐照 C.专用消毒剂 D.高温干热消毒 [单选题] 根据《刑法》,公司、企业或者其他单位的工作人员在经济往来中,利用职务上的便利,违反国家规定,收受各种名义的回扣、手续费,归个人所有,数额较大的,( )。
A. 不构成犯罪 B. 构成职务侵占罪 C. 构成非法牟利罪 D. 构成非国家工作人员受贿罪 [多项选择]ABC会计师事务所的注册会计师B负责对乙公司20×9年度财务报表进行审计,注册会计师B了解到乙公司采用永续盘存制核算存货。乙公司的存货是由少数项目构成的。在实施存货监盘程序时,注册会计师遇到以下事项,请代为做出正确的专业判断。
注册会计师在编制存货监盘计划时应当与管理层讨论其存货盘点计划,讨论的主要内容有( )。 A. 盘点时间安排和盘点范同和场所的确定 B. 存货的整理和排列,毁损、陈旧、过时、残次及所有权不属于被审计单位的存货的区分 C. 存货收发截止的控制及盘点期间存货移动的控制 D. 盘点结果的汇总及盘盈盘亏的分析、调查与处理 [单选题]消弧线圈其工作原理是通过改变自身的电感,电流的大小,对接地( )进行补偿。
A.电感电流 B.电容电流 C.泄漏电流 D.剩余电流 [多选题]线路的停、送电均应按照(_)的指令执行。
值班调控人员 专责监护人 线路工作负责人 线路工作许可人 A.A B.B C.C D.D [多选题]三绕组自耦变压器,高、中压侧电压的电压变比为2;高/中/低的容量为100/100/50,下列说法正确的是:( )。
A.高压侧同时向中、低压侧送电时,公共绕组容易过负荷 B.中压侧同时向高、低压侧送电时,公共绕组容易过负荷 C.低压侧同时向高、中压侧送电时,低压绕组容易过负荷 [填空题]伏尔泰在《老实人》中批判了()哲学。
[单选题]循环冷却水系统在开车时投加高剂量的药剂,使之在金属表面形成极薄的一层保护层,这就叫做( )
A.缓蚀 B.阻垢 C.杀菌 D.预膜 [单选题]关于H2SO4的说法正确的是( )。
A.只具有吸水性 B.只具有脱水性 C.具有吸水性和脱水性 D.上述3项都不对 [单选题]《道路交通安全法》中所称的“交通事故”是指()在道路上因过错或者意外造成的人身伤亡或者财产损失事件()
A.车辆 B.机动车 C.非机动车 [简答题] Buy Nothing Day
The day after Thanksgiving, all the world (at least in the US) goes shopping. In America this is the biggest shopping day in the entire year, known as Black Friday, which sounds dire, but evidently derives from the fact that storekeepers lose money all year and this is the first day in which they finally get into the black which means to make money. Some stores also call it Green Friday. It’’s the biggest day of the year for retailers, when shopkeeper’’s can measure what their take is going to be this year, and the holiday spirit flows as fast as the cash registers can ring it up.
Gifts, decorations, candy and magazines disappear quickly, and woe to the retailer who doesn’’t have as much in stock as the consumers want. "Buy it now" is the phrase of the day-and people have been doing just that for years, egged on by the industry that begins advertising and decorating earlier and more elaborately each year. This is about waste,
[多选题]根据《临时用电作业安全管理制度》,配电箱(盘)应有( )措施。
A.防雨 B.防尘 C.防潮 D.防酸 [单选题]下述哪项不是新生儿窒息的常见原因( )
A. 胎儿宫内窘迫 B. 颅内出血 C. 胎儿宫内肺炎 D. 吸入羊水 E. 分娩前使用过多镇静药 [单项选择]当地震发生时你在学校上课,应如何避震()
A. 向教室外跑 B. 听老师指挥 C. 蹲在地上 D. 涌向楼梯间 [单项选择]局部突出屋面的楼梯间、电梯机房、水箱间、烟囱等在城市一般建设地区( )。
A. 应计入建筑控制高度 B. 不应计入建筑控制高度 C. 应减半计入建筑控制高度 D. 可计可不计入建筑控制高度 [判断题]6、公务员的培训实行登记管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《建设工程安全生产管理条例》的规定,施工单位应当自施工起重机械和整体提升脚手架、模板等自升式架设设施验收合格之日起()内,向建设行政主管部门或者其他有关部门登记。
A.5日 B.10日 C.30日 D.60日 [单选题]下列进度控制措施中,属于管理措施的是( B )。
A.建立进度控制的会议制度 B.分析影响项目工程进度的风险 C.制定项目进度控制的工作流程 D.选用有利的设计和施工技术 我来回答: 提交