Most worthwhile careers require some
kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an {{U}} (1)
{{/U}} should be made even before choice of a curriculum in high school.
Actually, {{U}} (2) {{/U}}, most people make several job choices during
their working lives, {{U}} (3) {{/U}} because of economic and industrial
changes and partly to improve their position. The "one perfect job" does not
{{U}} (4) {{/U}}. Young people should {{U}} (5) {{/U}}
enters into a broad flexible training program that will {{U}} (6) {{/U}}
them for a field of work rather than for a single {{U}} (7)
{{/U}}. Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans {{U}} (8) {{/U}} benefit of help from a(n) {{U}} (9) {{/U}} vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing {{U}} (10) {{/U}} about the occupational world, or themselves for that m A. resource B. background C. reason D. basis [单选题]线圈磁场方向的判断方法用(____)。
A.直导线右手定则 B.螺旋管右手定则 C.左手定则 D.右手发电机定则 [判断题]人工搬运的过道应平坦畅通,如在夜间搬运,应有足够的照明。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] Memo
TO: Barbara Sinclair FROM: Peter Rogers DATE: 25 May 2002 SUBJECT: Insurance Claim Could you deal with this It’s our insurance claim, for the damage at the weekend. The insurance policy is in my name, and we bought the carpet for £300, although it will cost at least £500 to replace. Luckily our office carpets seem fine. Thanks. OWEN SMITH INSURANCE COMPANY with compliments Thank you for your recent phone call regarding flood damage in your photocopy room. Could you please complete the attached form and return it to me as soon as possible Insurance Claim NAME OF POLICY HOLDER: 41. ______ POLICY NUMBER: LD4756030C ITEM (S) TO BE REPLACED: 42. ______ LOCATION OF ITEM (S): 43. ______ VALUE WHEN PURCHASED: 44. ______ CAUSE OF DAMAGE: 45. ______ [不定项选择题]A.《本草纲目》
A.《重修政和经史证类备急本草》 B.《神农本草经》 C.《温疫论》 D.《黄帝内经》 E.现存最早的完整的古本草合刊本 [判断题]某单位长期研究地震活动趋势,该单位不得发表其关于长期、中期地震活动趋势的研究成果。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]遇列车无线调度通信设备或车站语音记录装置故障,以及临时需向通过的列车交付书面行车凭证时,须( )交付。
A.短信 B.微信 C.停车 [多项选择]马克思说“艺术是一种生产形态”,即认为其()
A. 具有生产的一般性质 B. 具有物质生产的一般性质 C. 产品也具有与一般物质产品相似的使用与交换价值 D. 相同于一般物质生产的精神性 E. 相对于物质生产而存在的一种特殊的精神生产形态 [单选题]一位列车工作人员在拖车厢地板时因不小心碰到旅客鞋袜,列车工作人员应( ).
A.向旅客解释 B.向旅客表示要求配合 C.向旅客喝斥 D.向旅客表示歉意 [简答题]《行规》中对关闭信号、变更进路的限制有何规定?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]招标公告应载明的信息包括( )
A.招标人的名称和地址 B.招标项目的标的 C.招标项目的投标人 D.招标项目的使用人 [单选题]在动车组列车上使用的电气产品须有( )认证标识,额定功率不得超过允许范围。
A.3A B.3C C.QC D.GB [填空题]Route to big delivery savings
There are few areas left within the world’s largest businesses where one close look can deliver instant savings of 1 per cent of sales. For Rhodia, the chemicals arm of French conglomerate Rh6ne-Poulenc, scrutiny of the company’s transport costs in the UK led to just such savings. Management consultants A.T. Kearney were commissioned to review the company’s operations. They scoured order books, invoices and transport logs at the company’s fourteen UK sites. some transport they could not account for at all Surprising as it may seem, there were simply no records. A.T. Kearney’s initial survey found that transport accounted for 10 per cent of the company’s traceable spending in the UK, and that during a 12-month period, 235 different hauliers had moved products for the company. The company were also running a 30-strong fleet of their own. (9) In a more positive light, though, they meant that the opportunity to improve was huge.< [单选题]我国最早的脉学专书是
A.《三指禅》 B.《脉经》 C.《濒湖脉学》 D.《脉决汇辨》 [单选题]把较小剂量就能引起生物体损害的那些化学物质叫做( ),其余为非毒物。
A.低毒物 B.非毒物 C.毒物 D.无毒物 [单选题]华润在( )年收购了沈阳雪花啤酒,开启了在内地啤酒业的创业之旅。
A.1989年 B.1992年 C.1993年 D.1996年 [单选题]—年1月1日起实施的通号分公司《动火作业管控规定》中指出,动火作业单位、管控单位及其相关人员可以( )。
A.分级管控批准动火作业申请 B.伪造或者更改操作资格证书、审核意见书 C.在地下建[构]筑物内使用丙烷等液化石油气体 D.隐瞒或者不及时处理动火 现场事故隐患 [单选题]下列属于FIDIC道德准则的是( )。
A.服务性 B.科学性 C.独立性 D.公正性 [单选题]任何车辆最前位和最后位车轴中心线间的距离称为 ( )。
A. 全轴距 B. 固定轴距 C. 车辆定距 D. 定距 [名词解释]炉渣的表面性质
[判断题]在我国,个人经营类贷款较个人住房贷款等品种更为成熟。( )
A.理解与满足要求 B.需要从增值的角度考虑过程 C.获得过程绩效和有效性结果 D.在客观测量的基础上,持续改进过程 [单选题]对于我行承兑的银行承兑汇票,如遇法院冻结止付等事项,相关营业机构应在收到法院通知( )个工作日内通过人行大额支付系统或其他方式通知票据查询行。
A.、1; B.、2; C.、3; D.、5 [单选题]主变过负荷运行时应每隔( )对其电流、上层油温进行记录 ( )
A. 1小时 B. 半小时 C.2小时 D. 3小时 [单选题]每日唾液总量约为
A.1000~1500ml B.800~1200ml C.1500~2000ml D.500~1000ml E.2000~2500ml [判断题]标准群钻主要用来钻削碳钢和各种合金钢。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]半框眼镜加工时,以镜片边缘厚度(以最薄边为基准),确定开槽的位置,调整( )的距离。
A.左导轮调节钮 B.右导轮调节钮 C.两砂轮 D.磨尖边 [简答题]什么是代理第三方存管业务?
[单项选择]甘遂、京大戟、芫花配伍应用时,不宜与下列何药配伍( )
A. 干姜 B. 海藻 C. 人参 D. 甘草 [单选题]依据南网安规,消防、绿化等不需运行设备停电的工作应选用()。
A.厂站第一种工作票 B.厂站第二种工作票 C.厂站第三种工作票 D.带电作业工作票 E.lue [判断题] 机车、动车及各种车辆上方的接触网设备未停电并办理安全防护措施前,禁止任何人员攀登到车顶或车辆装载的货物上。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交