可初步诊断为( ){{B}}
The True Historian{{/B}} To be "historically minded" is to see things in relation and in perspective, and to judge tolerantly. We must remember how differently men have thought and acted in different time. We must always keep an open mind, ready to receive and weigh new evidence. If we grasp this idea, we will never think that a historian(历史学家) is someone who can remember dates. That childish idea is like calling a man a statesman (政治家) because be can remember the names of voters in his district. A waiter could remember more names and a telephone operator more numbers than the greatest historian. The true historian is not content to take all his facts from other historians. Today he makes sure his statements are based on sound "documents" or "sources" which go back to the ti A. wars are accounted for differently in different countries B. the historian needs caution and training in dealing with his sources C. some writers may not be telling the truth D. some writers may not be in a position or frame of mind to tell the truth [单选题]噪声发生于油泵中心线以下,产生原因主要是( )
A.过滤器堵塞 B.油缸爬行 C.控制阀失灵 D.油泵吸空 [多项选择]生产垃圾中不得混有()。
A. 散落的物料 B. 不合格品 C. 标签、说明书 D. 印有说明书内容的小盒、中盒 E. 印有公司标志、名称、地址的废弃物 [判断题]单机挂车时,必须挂列尾装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]特级列检对到达解体及编组始发的列车技检时,要求闸瓦间隙自动调整器( )
A.配件齐全 B.作用良好 C.定检不过期 D.无破损 [判断题]报验注册条件为:必须拥有《企业法人营业执照》,注册资金150万,至少10人有报验证,有固定场所和健全制度等。( )
[判断题]滚花前,根据工件材料的性质,须把滚花部分的直径车小(0.2~0.5)p(节径)。( )
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