关于颈椎前路手术并发症下列叙述哪些是正确的?() Man finds living together with his own
species (物种) difficult enough and living together with other species almost
impossible. Our usual solution is to kill off anything that get in our way. Even
on those rare occasions when we do enter a relationship with other species, it
is heavily biased (带有倾向) in our favor. The other species benefit only when they
suit our own interests. Our attempts to communicate with another species are
concerned mainly with giving orders in our own language and having them obeyed.
Probably our best attempt has been the whistle language that is used in the
shepherd-sheepdog relationship. This is a system that is natural to neither
species, but one that both can under stand. Its only fault lies in fact that the
bias is still there—the dog cannot whistle for the man. But now comes news of a piece of research that promis A. it can only be used to give orders B. it is not natural for both shepherd and sheepdog C. it is a one-way communication approach D. it can only be used between man and dog [判断题]工作票许可人:负责审查工作票所列的安全措施是否正确完备,是否符合现场条件;工作现场布置的安全措施是否完善,必要时予以补充。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]>钢的温度升高时,体积密度有所减少。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]如果触电者伤势严重,呼吸停止,应立即进行人工呼吸,其频率为()左右。
A..12次/分 B..20次/分 C..8次/分 D..25次/分 [单项选择]有“中国幼儿教育之父”之称号的近代幼儿教育家是()。
A. 张雪门 B. 陈雪门 C. 张鹤琴 D. 陈鹤琴 [多选题]收费站服务投诉主要包括:收费站车道畅通. . . 等。( )
A.车辆管理 B.文明服务 C.规范操作 D.纠纷处理 E.规范服务 F.特殊车辆操作 [判断题]第248题
当进行高压试验时,不得少于2人,并应保持联系,有异常情况应立即断电检查。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]
某工地,早晨上班,土建队的木工班继续拆除热电厂蒸发站工程7m高的混凝土平台模板,当一名工人从4~5轴线中间的钢窗进入操作地点时,他左手攀着钢窗开窗器立管跃入室内,突然喊了两声“电着我了”。该班长立即跑去找电工切断电源线,但因电源来自安装队使用的卷扬机上的电源线,土建队电工不清楚,至到7、8分钟后,才切断电源,触电工人经抢救无效死亡。经查拆除的模板钢支架由4.8m处落下,一端砸断了卷扬机的电源线,另—端倒在拆下的钢管上,钢管又搭在钢窗上。 请判断下列事故原因分析的对错。事故的直接原因是卷扬机电源线被轧断后,又与钢管和钢窗相连,使钢窗带电,工人手扶钢窗触电死亡。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]巡航表速250公里/小时以上的航空器,在同航线、同高度目视飞行时,超越前面航空器时,应当
A.从其右侧,保持300米以上的间隔超越; B.从其右侧,保持500米以上的间隔超越; C.从其左侧,保持300米以上的间隔超越。 我来回答: 提交