Do you like to eat out Do you like to
eat quickly Do you like inexpensive food Some people go to fast-food
restaurant for these reasons. In the past, people usually went to diners — a
small restaurant — for these reasons. In fact, many people in the States go to
diners today for the same reasons. A man named Walter Scott had the first "diner" in 1872. It wasn’t really a diner. It was only a food cart. People on the street walked up to the cart to buy food. These carts served late night workers who wanted a cup of coffee and a late-night meal. The meal was a sandwich or boiled eggs. In 1887, Samuel Jones built the first diner big enough to allow the customers to come inside. However, they did not sit down. Later, people built diners with counters and stools, and people sat down while they ate. Before long, many diners A. It refers to the customer. B. It refers to the small restaurant. C. It refers to the fast-food restaurant. D. It refers to ice cream cart. [单项选择]房地产企业的在建房屋属于( )。
A. 固定资产 B. 流动资产 C. 预备资产 D. 储备资产 [多选题]当前,我国卷烟零售业态,尤
其是新型卷烟零售业态的发展变化 规律是()。 A.零售业态仍以食杂店为主,但所占 的比例逐年呈下降趋势 B.有明确的目标市场和独特的市场 定位 C.有明晰的市场定位,瞄准特定的顾 客群,其选址与其目标顾客紧密相连 D.传统零售业态与新型零售业态界 限分明 [判断题]施工防突措施的区(队)在施工前,负责向本区(队)职工贯彻并严格组织实施防突措施
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]行车有关人员,接班前须( ),严禁( ),如有违反,立即停止其所承担的任务。
A.充分休息 B.睡觉 C.饮酒 D.打闹 [单项选择]急性肠套叠最好发的年龄是()
A. 1~2岁 B. 2~3岁 C. 1~3个月 D. 4~10个月 E. 11~12个月 [判断题]旅客限量携带的物品有:不超过300毫升的家用卫生杀虫剂、空气清新剂( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于子宫下段,不正确的是
A. 是由非孕时的子宫峡部形成的 B. 子宫下段在妊娠期被动拉长 C. 妊娠晚期子宫下段可扩张到8~10cm D. 子宫下段与宫颈管之间形成生理性缩复环 E. 临产后子宫下段成为软产道的一部分 [简答题]电信企业市场营销作为一种活动,有哪些基本功能?
【案例一】: A. 病程长短 B. 躯体症状 C. 认知特点 D. 个性特征 [单项选择]低渗性缺水的主要病因是
A. 大量出汗 B. 应用大量利尿酸或呋塞米(速尿) C. 尿崩症 D. 急性肠梗阻 E. 弥漫性腹膜炎 [单项选择]下列对“电子垃圾”概念的理解正确的一项是().
A. 电子垃圾是指那些需要升级换代的手机、笔记本电脑、掌上电脑等电子产品。 B. 电子垃圾是指人们为了追求更好的电子产品而丢弃旧的显示器而造成的具有潜在危险的垃圾。 C. 电子垃圾是指人们丢弃的手机、电脑等具有潜在危险的电子产品。 D. 电子垃圾是指人们丢弃的那些具有毒害作用的旧电脑、旧电视等电子产品 [判断题](78656)( )电机绝缘的使用寿命是符合一定标准的,与使用及保管情况无关。( )(2.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](id5344)在执行ECAM动作时,PF的职责是:
A.飞行,通讯 B.飞行,导航 C.导航,通讯 D.飞行,导航,通讯 我来回答: 提交