Some of the problems that (41)
people in the U.S. (42) in the cities during old
days are still (43) us -- poor planning, problems in
(44) neighborhoods, and public transportation. (45) was a very important for city governments in the last century, (46) regard to water supplies, it was known that water could be polluted, (47) they didn’t know (48) . Trying to get pure water was a big problem. People like to talk about the (49) old days, but actually, the cities of the 19th century were dirty and, (50) , filthier than today. (51) disease was a great (52) . There was still smallpox(天花) and also yellow fever and malaria. The (53) death rate was high, and there were other dangers as well. (54) true that people were not being killed by cars A. how B. that C. what D. which [单选题]建设生态文明是中华民族()的千年大计。
A.持续发展 B.永续发展 C.和谐发展 D./ [单项选择]川乌人煎剂时,应
A. 先煎 B. 后下 C. 另煎 D. 包煎 E. 同煎 [多选题]‖年7月以来,中央陆续派出环保督查组进驻各地进行现场督查,掀起了场新的治污问责风暴。环保督查,从环保部门牵头到中央主导,从以查企业为主转变为“查督并举,以督政为主”,这是我国环境监管模式的重大变革和完善生态文明制度体系的重要举措。建立环保督察工作机制有利于( )。
A.处理好政府与市场的关系 B.强化领导责任和监管责任 C.落实环境保护主体责任 D.完善领导干部目标责任考核制度 [单选题]具有民事权利能力和民事行为能力,依法独立享有民事权利和承担民事义务的组织是( )。
A.自然人 B.政府机构 C.社会组织 D.法人 [填空题]正常运行时,应使硅整流器投入()运行方式,()作为备用。
[判断题]工程资料管理工作应自始至终贯穿于工程施工全过程。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]已缴纳车船税的车船在同一纳税年度内办理转让过户的,不另纳税,也不退税。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列有关经济法主体的表述中,正确的有( )。
A. 某些部委同时具有宏观调控和市场规制的职能 B. 经济法的调控主体只能是政府的职能部门 C. 特定的社会团体可以成为规制主体 D. 商业银行可以成为经济法上的受控主体或者受制主体 [多选题]南瓜茎的维管束属于( )。
A.外韧维管束 B.双韧维管束 C.有限维管束 D.无限维管束 [名词解释]土壤耕性
[判断题]桥梁上伸缩调节的尖轨尖端应与线路方向一致。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列各项中,说法不准确的是()。
A.“人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录”中包括中医针灸 B.血液的四种组成成分中,血小板的主要作用是凝血和止血 C.小肠是消化管中最长的部分,也是主要的吸收器官 D.若误服强酸弱碱性化学液体,则应立即给予患者清水及催吐急救 [简答题]简述电子支付的几个发展阶段。
[单选题] LKJ-2000型监控装置可允许由()个模拟量信号输入。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [判断题]电力电缆施工使用携带型火炉或喷灯作业时,可在变电站门口对火炉或喷灯加油、点火
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] In his youth, Knute Axelbrod wanted to learn many languages, to know everything about human history, to 【B1】 wise by reading great books. When he first came from Europe 【B2】 the state of North Dakota, he worked in a mill all day 【B3】 studied all evening. Then he met Lena Wesselius and 【B4】 her at the age of eighteen. After that there was a farm to pay for, and there were children to 【B5】 . For many years Axelbrod had no time to study.
Finally he had a farm 【B6】 was free from debt, with good soil and plenty of animals. But 【B7】 then he was sixty - three years old anti ready ( it seemed) to die. His wife was 【B8】 . His sons had grown 【B9】 and gone away. His work was done. He was 【B10】 and alone.
Axelbrod’’s daughter and 【B11】 begged him to live with them, but he 【B12】 . "No, "he said, "You must learn to be 【B13】 . You will come and live here 【B14】 my farm, and 【B15】 will pay me four hundred dollars a year 【B16】 the use of it 【B17】 I will no
A. B.grow C.become D.turn [单项选择]企业摊销的出租周转材料成本,应当计入()。
A. 销售费用 B. 管理费用 C. 其他业务成本 D. 营业外支出 [单选题]开采容易自燃、自燃煤层的矿井,采区回风巷、一翼回风巷、总回风巷应设置一氧化碳传感器,报警浓度为()。
A.0.024%CO B.0.00024%CO C.0.24%CO D.0.0024%CO 我来回答: 提交