Task 4
A--cassette tape
B--closed circuit television
C--English lecture record
D--projection screen
E--slide projector
F--program recorder
H--educational picture
I--film strip
J--video tape
K--television set
M--Mickey Mouse
N--concept film
O--educational television
P--double earphone
Q--single earphone
R--radio Set
T--terrestrial globe
U--earphone jack
V--reading machine
Questions 186-190 refer to the
following e-mail and table. From: Guillermo Grimaldi To: Samantha Young Subject: Survey Results We have the results of our Preferred Investments Survey. I have attached the "Types of Investments" table. There is one change on the survey compared to last year. We divided one major category into two parts. The parts are "buildings" and "property." That’s why we don’t have a number from last year to use as a comparison. We talked to 1,000 investors between March 1 and March 15. While most of them put their money into a variety of investments, the survey shows that this year there was a greater variety in the type of investment chosen than last year. More people are purchasing each different type of investment. For example, look at the number of mutual fund inves A. (A) 800 B. (B) 850 C. (C) 965 D. (D) 1,000 [单项选择]35 女性,24岁。血压220/120mmHg,下列哪项诊断该患者为肾血管性高血压最有特征性
A. 有高血压家族史 B. 眼底可见动脉交叉受压 C. 上腹部可闻连续高调杂音 D. 血浆肾素水平升高 E. 尿蛋白(++),红细胞5/HP [多项选择]培训资源中培训空间的充分利用,对学习者空间位置的不同设计可以有()等。
A. U形布置法 B. 臂章形布置法 C. V形布置法 D. 环形布置法 E. 梯形布置法 [简答题]发现汽轮机轴向位移增大应如何处理?
[判断题]提供虚假申请材料,采取欺骗手段加入企业信息联网核查系统的。被强制退出企业信息联网核查系统的机构,2年内不得申请加入企业信息联网核查系统。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]检查患者上颌牙齿时,上颌合平面与地平面成的角度应为
A.30° B.35° C.40° D.45° E.50° [单选题]()”Trickortreat!”isagame_______childrenonHalloween.
A.for B.to C.about D.at [多选题] 建立健全安全生产责任制,要按照( )的原则,明确从主要领导到一线从业人员(含劳务派遣人员、实习学生等)的全生产责任、责任范围和考核标准。
A.党政同责、一岗双责、齐抓共管、失职追责 B.管行业必须管安全 C.管业务必须管安全 D.管生产经营必须管安全 我来回答: 提交