{{B}}Pushbike Peril{{/B}} Low speed bicycle crashes can badly injure —or even kill —children if they fall onto the ends of the handlebars so a team of engineers is redesigning the humble handlebar in a bid to make it safer. Kristy Arbogast, a bioengineer at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, began the project with her colleagues after a study of serious abdominal injuries in children in the past 30 years showed that more than a third were caused by bicycle accidents. "The task was to identify how the injuries occurred and came up with some countermeasures," she says. By interviewing the children and their parents, Arbogast and her team were able to reconstruct many of the accidents and identified a common mechanism responsible for serious injures. They discov A. It call be commercialized. B. It reduces the dangerous forces in bicycle accidents. C. It adds a few dollars to the cost of a bike. D. It changes the direction of the handlebars in all impact. [名词解释]市场营销职能审计
[多选题] 公务员或者公务员集体有下列情形之一的 , 给予奖励( )。
A. 爱护公共财产, 节约国家资财有突出成绩的 B. 忠于职守, 积极工作, 成绩显著 C. 为增进民族团结, 维护社会稳定做出突出贡献的 D. 同违法违纪行为作斗争有功绩的 [单项选择]口腔癌性变表现型不包括
A. 膨胀型 B. 溃疡型 C. 乳头状型 D. 疣状型 E. 浸润型 [单选题]拔丝炒糖的目的是使蔗糖由结晶体转变为液体,最终形成无定型的
( )。 A. 硬体 B. 软体 C. 固体 D. 玻璃体 [判断题]供电段技术主管部门和车间每月、集团公司主管专业部门每季度应组织开展接触网运行质量分析,并分别编制质量分析报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]烟熏痕迹是认定火灾原因的重要证据,具有多种证明作用,可以()。
A. 证明起火点 B. 证明火势蔓延方向 C. 证明起火特征 D. 证明起火部位 [单项选择]体层摄影曝光过程中,指定层影像的投影是()
A. 由起始时投影点前移 B. 由起始时投影点后移 C. 由起始时投影点左移 D. 由起始时投影点右移 E. 自始至终投影点固定 [单选题]氧气瓶使用到最后必须留表压()Mpa
A.A.0.1-0.2 B.B.0.2-0.3 C.C.0.3-0.4 D.D.0.4-0.5 我来回答: 提交