It is clear that we are rapidly becoming a global culture. New forms of information technology, intercontinental travel, and the complex nature of economics are all elements in such a change. Japan, an ancient (1) culture, now dominates the West economically while its own traditional (2) is rapidly becoming (3) in the process.
It does not take a great deal of analysis to see the vast interchanges of cultural influences in the world today. The thirst for (4) fashions, popular music, and the other elements of consumer culture (5) great inroads in non-Western lands while the West seeks out everything from the religious traditions of the Ease (6) the art and music these countries produce. In the field of (7) , to cite one conspicuous example, contemporary readers seek books (8) those of the West. Latin American authors, as well as those from Africa, Asia, and India, now find appreciative audiences.
A (9) c
Passage 3 I don’t believe that men have deliberately turned us into slaves, as one of your correspondents writes. (1) I do know that many women are exploited at work. There must be equal pay (2) equal work, and where this is not the case, the abuse must be resisted at all costs. I don’t believe that men (3) us their mental inferiors. But I do know that there’s still a great (4) of prejudice against women. Certain jobs are still considered to be for men (5) , for example top jobs in industry, in the government and the law. This sort of (6) must be resisted at all costs. We are born with brains just as good as men’s, and (7) we are not expected to use them. It all begins in the home and at school, (8) girls are expected to play a smaller (9) than boys, A. assure B. insure C. ensure D. secure [单选题]倾角较大的上山盲巷进行瓦斯检查时,应重点检查( )。
A.甲烷 B.二氧化碳 C.氧气 D.其他气体 [单项选择]日常生活中,使用螺丝刀时,螺丝刀需要承受什么力()
A. 拉力 B. 压力 C. 弯曲力 D. 扭曲力 [单项选择]实时时钟位于()
A. 计算机内 B. CI1210A C. LF1576A D. RMA1215A [填空题]轴承油压在正常运行时可做()试验。
Day in and day out, ASTA helps its members with everything from debit memos to bankruptcy claims on against suppliers to applying for Small 34 Business Administration loans. Whatever business problem is facing with you 35 chances are someone at ASTA headquarters can offer the advice or a helping 36 hand. A few months ago, ASTA introduced that the Member Care Center as 37 an improved method of serving its members. The Member Care Center serves 38 as the single source for member record changes, for meeting registrations 39 and information requests. We have begun intensive customer service training 40 of our Member Care team to ensure that they are fully equipped with to 41 answer your questions as more efficiently as possible. Our Member Care team 42 meets early every morning for a briefing report on the ASTA and travel 43 industry news of the day so they are prepared for the va [判断题]在尽头线上施工,施工负责人经与车站值班员联系确认尽头一端无列车、动车时,则尽头一端可不设防护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]四氟化碳含量最高时(20%-40%)是在()。
A. 换极时 B. 出铝时 C. 效应时 D. 不盖槽盖板时 [简答题]试述慢性疼痛治疗原则。
[判断题]在电气化铁路区段,押车人员不得登上车顶,停车检查时应避免与接触网支柱及其附近金属结构物接触。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]中国专利文献的编号体系含有几种专利文献号?如何称谓?
[判断题] 2015 年版第五套人民币 100 元纸币上采用的冠字号码共有 8 位字母或数字。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]人力资源战略。从层次和内容上可区分为( )。
A. 人力资源总体发展战略 B. 组织变革与创新战略 C. 员工培训开发战略 D. 绩效管理策略 E. 劳动关系管理策略 [判断题]加工石料要戴护目镜,打锤时不得戴手套,避免脱锤伤人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]亡阴之汗的特点是
A.汗热而黏如油 B.汗热味淡不黏 C.汗冷味淡不黏 D.汗冷味淡而黏 E.以上都不是 [单选题]选择电介质时,应注意εr的大小。下列陈述正确的是(____)。
A.用做电容器的绝缘介质时,εr应较大,用做电缆的绝缘介质时,εr应较小 B.用做电容器的绝缘介质时,εr应较小,用做电缆的绝缘介质时,εr应较小 C.用做电容器的绝缘介质时,εr应较小,用做电缆的绝缘介质时,εr应较大 D.用做电容器的绝缘介质时,εr应较大,用做电缆的绝缘介质时,εr应较大 [单项选择]实现呼吸功能真正有效的通气量为()
A. 潮气量 B. 肺活量 C. 每分通气量 D. 肺泡通气量 E. 功能余气量 [简答题]平面度的测量主要有哪些方法?
[单选题]系统思考的语言建立的三个基本元件不包括( )。
A.不断增强的回馈 B.反复调节的回馈 C.系统基模 D.时间滞延 [单选题]根据企业所得税法律制度的规定,下列关于非居民企业的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.在境外成立的企业均属于非居民企业 B.在境内成立但有来源于境外所得的企业属于非居民企业 C.依照外国法律成立,实际管理机构在中国境内的企业属于非居民企业 D.依照外国法律成立,实际管理机构不在中国境内但在中国境内设立机构、场所的企业属于非居民企业 [填空题]在有运输能力的情况下,承运人或销售代理人应按_______________的要求发售车票。
[单选题]以下行为中不须办理准运证进行运输的是( )。
A.运输依法没收的走私烟草专卖品 B.海关监管的烟草制品的转关运输 C.一批进口卷烟准备从A省的B市内跨区运输 D.跨省运输国产卷烟 [填空题]根据《钢结构现场检测技术标准》GB/T50621的规定,被测工件表面的照明亮度不宜低于();当对细小缺陷进行鉴别时,照明亮度不得低于540|x。
[单选题]工厂内各固定电线插座损坏时,将会引起( )。
A.引起工作不方便 B.不美观 C.触电伤害 D.设备损坏 我来回答: 提交