As human children are unusually
dependent for an unusually long time, it’s obvious that every society must
provide a domestic context in which the children are brought up and educated. In
present day English, the word ‘family’ has two meanings: firstly, the
(1) group of parents and children; and secondly, a
(2) of relations who might be expected to (3)
at a wedding or a (4) . At the first level, my
brothers and sisters and myself are all in the same (5) as
children, but in different ones as parents; but at the second (6)
, we’re all in the same family from start to finish. As nuclear families become more (7) , families of relations become more dispersed (分). The young mother can still talk to her Mum on the phone, but she can’t ask her to (8) for a few minutes to wat A. permanent B. rigid C. casual D. domestic [判断题]在制作幻灯片时,可以在其中插入图片和图表。
A.二相三线制 B.二相四线制 C.三相四线制 D.三相五线制 [多选题]国家鼓励和支持公民、法人和其他组织通过依法举办机构和捐赠、资助等方式,参与医疗卫生与健康事业,满足公民 ( ) 健康需求。
A.多样化 B.差异化 C.高档化 D.个性化 [填空题]遇多个A2类施工作业需要在同一地段设置红闪灯时,相邻两个红闪灯之间至少有( )的距离。
A. 安全技术措施 B. 劳动卫生措施 C. 辅助性设施建设 D. 重大事故隐患分类 [多选题]提高国家文化软实力,要引导我国人民树立和坚持正确的()增强做中国人的骨气和底气。
A.历史观 B.民族观 C.国家观 D.文化观 [判断题]设备抢修负责人或专业负责人向行调提出进入区间需求,需求信息包括进入区间的专业、人数、地点、检查或处置时长
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]非语言信息是由(____)决定的。
A.表情 B.思想 C.意识 D.文化 我来回答: 提交