Karl Von Linne (or Linnaeus, as he is
widely known) was a Swedish biologist who devised the system of Latinised
scientific names for living things that biologists use to this day. When he came
to (1) people into his system, he put them into a group
called Homo--and Linne’s hairless fellow humans are still known biologically as
Homo sapiens. (2) the group originally had a second member,
Homo troglodytes. It lived in Africa, and the pictures show it to be covered
(3) hair. Modern (4) are not as generous as Linne in welcoming other species into Man’s lofty (5) , and the chimpanzee is now referred to (6) Pan troglodytes. But Pan or Homo, there is no (7) that chimps are humans’ nearest living relatives, and that if the secrets of what makes humanity special are ever to be (8) , understanding wh A. suspension B. suspicion C. rotation D. doubt [单项选择]对X线不显影的肾结石,用哪一种检查方法最好()。
A. CT B. MR C. 超声 D. 静脉肾盂造影 E. 膀胱镜 [判断题]新文化运动开始的标志是1915年陈独秀担任主编的《新青年》(原名《青年杂志》正式出版。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]调度所高铁动车调度使用客专运调管理系统中的()系统接收检修计划和回送申请。
A. 计划编制 B. 运营管理 C. 车辆管理 D. 客运管理 [单选题]( )的作用是在检修或停用转辙机时切断转辙机控制电路,使转辙机无法转换,确保电务检修人员或车务行车人员手摇转辙机时的人身安全。
A.遮断器 B.熔断器 C.空开 D.接点 [判断题][难度:0.5][分数:1]绘制落料模总装图时还应画出排样图。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用兆欧表逐相测量定子绕组与外壳的绝缘电阻,当转动摇柄时,指针指到零,说明绕组()。
A.击穿 B.短路 C.断路 D.接地 [单选题]《广西电网有限责任公司应急演练管理业务指导书》第5.2.4条 火灾专项演练应每年开展( )次;
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]用确定在磁场中运动的导体感应电动势的方向,用( )。
A.左手定则 B.右手定则 C.安培定则 D.左手螺旋定则 [多项选择]将文件存储为IllustratorEPS格式的好处在于()
A. 大多数的排版软件和文字软件都可识别EPS格式 B. 可以在网上发布 C. 支持图形中的透明 D. EPS支持大部分Illstrator产生的元素 [单选题]对备用通道误码测试,使用( )仪表
A.光源 B.光功率计 C.误码测试仪 D. OTDR仪表 [简答题]党员犯罪在哪些情形下,应当给予开除党籍处分?
[判断题] 心肺复苏的目的: 立即实施心肺复苏术,保证重要脏器血氧供应,尽快恢复 心跳、呼吸。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪种是用于工业活动的一种结构化工具,用来检查一套要求的步骤是否被执行()
A. 质量政策 B. 检查表 C. 趋势图 D. 帕累托 [判断题]叶绿体是进行光合作用的质体,它只存在于植物叶肉细胞中。
A. 构成投毒罪 B. 构成破坏生产经营罪 C. 构成销售有毒食品罪 D. 应当以破坏生产经营罪和销售有毒食品罪实行数罪并罚 世界上第一张利率期货合约是?
A. 虚拟匹配量 B. 虚拟未匹配量 C. 匹配量 D. 未匹配量 [单选题]发汗的基本中枢位于
A.脊髓 B.中脑 C.延髓 D.下丘脑 E.大脑皮质 [单选题]XX供电局对其管辖的110kV九大线23号塔大号侧50米处桉树砍伐工作,此项工作由输电管理所线路一班李xx担任工作负责人,王xx、刘xx、李x、文xx担任工作班人员。Ⅰ、王xx将绳索绑扎在将要砍伐树段重心以下位置;Ⅱ、由于树上不具备系安全带的条件,王xx经过工作负责人同意后用一根较粗的麻绳代替安全带;Ⅲ、王xx开始砍这棵树几分钟后,工作负责人认为此棵树不需要砍伐,只需要修剪就可以,因此安排爬树能力强的刘xx上树修剪;Ⅳ、在绑扎绳子时刘xx发现绳子长度不够,他找到一节树皮加长后继续使用()。
A.仅Ⅰ正确 B.仅Ⅰ、Ⅲ正确 C.仅Ⅲ正确 D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ都不对 [判断题]在扑救电镀企业火灾过程中,应充分侦察掌握氰化物使用和储存情况,采取针对性防毒措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Mars fascinates scientists because of its similarity to Earth, and it fascinates the public because our myth of "Martians" is a vision of life beyond Earth. The Mars 62 continues with the launch of a robot vehicle by UK scientists. It’s part of a project to build an "autonomous robotic scientist" to 63 the Martian surface and is key to the European Space Agency’s 2011 ExoMars 64 .
The six-wheeled vehicle housing a myriad of scientific 65 and detectors is the Mars rover, nicknamed "Bridget". Astrium, an EADS company, are 66 the ExoMars rover prototype and coordinating its 67 with other UK-based institutions. Searching for a 68 similar to that found on Mars, the team took the rover to El Teide National Park in Tenerife. Lester Waugh, leading the EADS Astrium team, explains, "The rover’s not waterproof so the conditions need to be dry as any moisture affects the way the sand 69 unde A. risk B. adventure C. travel D. advancement [单项选择]导爆索属于( )。
A. 起爆材料 B. 传爆材料 C. 专用民爆器材 D. 引爆材料 [单选题]电流互感器在运行中必须使( )。
A.铁芯及二次绕组牢固接地 B.铁芯两点接地 C.二次绕组不接地 D.铁芯多点接地 [单项选择]Cars and other road vehicles are the single main source of harmful nitrogen oxides.
Road transport remains the biggest source of harmful air pollution in the EU despite efforts to reduce emissions over the past decades. A report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA.) shows that it is the single main source of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds. It is also the second most important source of PM10 and PM2.5 particles. As well as road transport, manufacturing industries, construction, the residential sector and agriculture are the main sources of air pollution in Europe today, the agency said. The EEA said: "Particulate matter from sources such as vehicle exhausts and residential heating can affect the lungs and harm people of all ages, but it is known to pose an extra risk to those with existing heart and respiratory problems." "Air pollutants are also responsible for the acidification of forests and wate A. Air pollution. B. Nitrogen oxide. C. Road transport. D. Organic compounds. [单项选择]( )不属于商务文书工作的特征。
A. 严肃性 B. 时限性 C. 机要性 D. 规范性 [单项选择]胸部X线检查最常用的投照位置是( )
A. 卧位前后位 B. 立位前后位 C. 卧位后前位 D. 立位后前位 E. 立位左侧位 [判断题]测控装置遥测信息异常主要是指测控装置显示的电压、电流、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数、温度等遥测
数据的异常。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]狂证痰火蕴结证主方()
A. 二阴煎 B. 顺气导痰汤 C. 生铁落饮 D. 镇肝熄风汤 E. 养心汤 我来回答: 提交