Vitamins are organic compounds
necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of
life of animals, including man. They do not provide energy, (31) do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed for (32) foods into energy and body maintenance. There are thirteen or more of them, and if (33) is missing a deficiency disease becomes (34) Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and (35) nitrogen. They are different (36) their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin (37) one or more specific functions in the body. (38) enoug A. in that B. so that C. such that D. except that [单选题]在描述一个过程的中心趋势时,该使用平均值还是中位数,团队成员有不同的意见,下列说法正 确的是
A.任何情况下,“中位数”都不如“平均值”更有代表性和更容易理解,这样做并不好,还是使用平均数更好。 B.“中位数”与“平均值”基本上相等,用哪一个都差不多 C.“中位数”比“平均值”计算简单且统计误差要小,应当使用中位数 D.对于严重偏斜或异常值较多的分布,“中位数”比“平均值”更有代表性,否则用平均值更具有代表性 [单选题]铲斗底面平贴地面,挂挡向前推进,阻力较大时微升动臂,此作业是( )。
A.推运作业 B.刮平作业 C.铲装作业 D.挖掘作业 [单选题]物质构成的奥秘部分内容旨在帮助学生用微粒的观念去学习化学,通过观察、想象、类比、模型化的方法使学生初步理解化学现象的本质,其教学特点包括。
A.① ② B.① ③ C.② ③ D.① ② ③ [单项选择]强刺激容易引起流产的穴位是()
A. 内关 B. 外关 C. 合谷 D. 关元 E. 至阴 [多选题]线路停电时,应先将该线路可能来电的所有()全部拉开,手车开关应拉至试验或检修位置,验明确无电压后,在线路上所有可能来电的各端装设接地线或合上接地刀闸(装置)。
A.断路器(开关) B.线路隔离开关(刀闸) C.母线隔离开关(刀闸) D.接地隔离开关(刀闸) [多选题]常用的工程预算编制方法有( )。
A.单价法 B.工程量法 C.实物法 D.综合指标法 [填空题]为保证人身安全,除专业人员执行有关规定外,其他人员(包括所携带的物件)与牵引供电设备带电部分的距离,不得小于()mm。
[单项选择]The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was a masterpiece by Mark Twain from
which, as noted by ______, "all modern American literature comes. "
A. Henry James B. Ernest Hemingway C. William Dean Howells D. Theodore Dreiser 我来回答: 提交