Wood carving refers to the art of
creating or decorating objects of wood by carving with a sharp, hand-held tool.
This form of art has a history of over 1,000 years and a unique artistic style.
The following is some introduction about wood carving in America. Wood carving began as a necessity in America and developed into an art. Because of the lack of other materials, early settlers were forced to make tools and utensils out of wood. At first, these articles were whittled with a knife, but when pioneer craftsmen set up their primitive shops most of them were fashioned on a lathe--a machine which holds an object and rotates it while it is being shaped by a tool. However, even after Massachusetts-born Thomas Blancard designed a lathe which could turn irregular shapes--an innovation that made possible mass production of gunstocks, shoe lasts, oblong A. A bust B. A decoy C. A figurehead D. A chisel [单选题]同一直流系统两端换流站间发生系统通信故障时,两换流站间的操作应根据()的指令配合执行。答案:
A.工作负责人 B.值班调控人员 C.主管领导 D.专责监护人 E./ F./ G./ H./ [填空题]JZ-7型制动机自阀管座上有均衡风缸管、列车管、总风缸管、中均管、撒砂管、( ) 、遮断伐管、单独缓解管、单独作用管共九根管。
[单项选择]《关于建立派驻城乡规划督察员制度的指导意见》中规定,城乡规划督察员应当本着 ( )的原则,不妨碍、替代当地城乡规划行政主管部门正常的行政管理工作,在不违反有关法律的前提下,实施切实有效的监督。
A. “公开不隐瞒、公平不济私” B. “到位不越位、公开不隐瞒” C. “公平不济私、监督不包办” D. “到位不越位、监督不包办” [多选题]《地下水质量标准》是依据( ),并参照了生活引用水、工业、农业用水水质最高要求,将地下水质量划分为五类
A.地下水的使用功能 B.我国地下水水质现状 C.人体健康基准值 D.我国地下水保护目标 [单选题]在轨道电路区段作业时,取放工具、抬运金属料具时,()搭接两股钢轨、绝缘接头、引入线或轨距杆。
A.可以 B.允许 C.不得 D.必须 [单选题]某旅行社在出发前 7 日向旅游者提出因团队人数未达到约定人数,需要解除合同,该团 队是境内旅游团 , 那么旅行社应当支付旅游费用总额的 ( ) 作为违约金。
A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20% 我来回答: 提交