A twenty-year-old immigrant, Levi
Strauss, came to the United States in 1850 to seek his fortune in the gold
fields. But strangely enough, this man made his fortune on heavy canvas that he
found suitable for working clothes. Strauss’jeans were particularly good for
prospectors and cowboys. In the early days of jeans, this man couldn’t have
guessed that his pants, made only for rough work, would become so popular at ail
levels of society. Yes, this is a fact: jeans have become fashionable in our
society. Furthermore, these pants have come to symbolize changes in social
attitude. In the last decade or two we have seen movements toward equality as well as defiance of authority. Jeans, now worn by everybody, can be said to symbolize these changes for the better. In the past, only men wore jeans, and these men were at the bottom—s A. jeans are likely to be a short-lived fashion B. jeans are popular only in the United States C. jeans are likely to be popular for a long time to come D. jeans are no longer fashionable [单选题]患者女,50岁。因哮喘急性发作,急诊入院。护士在入院初步护理中,下列哪项不妥( )
A.护士自我介绍,消除陌生感 B.立即给患者氧气吸入 C.安慰患者,减轻焦虑 D.详细介绍环境及规章制度 E.通知医生,给予诊治 [单选题]春天翻动思绪,春景使人联想。行到水穷处,坐看云起时,那是哲人对春天的一种见解,沐浴春天的一种方式。对春天的理解( ),春天呈现的种类自然也就( )。填入括号部分最恰当的一项是:
A.莫衷一是 千变万化 B.因人而异 千姿百态 C.浮想联翩 姹紫嫣红 D.众说纷纭 千娇百媚 [填空题]建设部规范中规定在施工现场专用的中性点直接接地的电力线路中必须采用()接零系统
[单选题]破伤风最先受累的肌肉是( )。
A.四肢肌 B.肋间肌 C.背部肌 D.咀嚼肌 E.颈部肌 [单项选择]下列除了哪项均为防己黄芪汤的临床表现()
A. 汗出恶风 B. 小便不利 C. 身重微肿 D. 肢节疼痛 E. 脉浮而数 [单项选择]《香市》作者在描述重兴香市冷落情景时着重写了“南洋武术班”,其手法是()
A. 类比象征 B. 对比反衬 C. 以小见大 D. 侧面描写 [简答题]公共关系有哪些作用?
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