Beliefs are shared ideas about how the
world operates. They may be’ summaries and interpretations of the past,
explanations of the’ present or predictions for the future, and may be based on
common sense, folk wisdom, religion, science, or some combination of these. Some
beliefs apply to intangible (无形的) things (for example, whether the human spirit
lives on after .death). All cultures distinguish between ideas for which people
have reasonable proof (for Americans, for ex ample, the idea that smoking
increases the risk of cancer) and ideas that have not been, or cannot be, tested
(for Americans, for example, the idea that there is intelligent life on other
planets). Where and how people draw the line varies, however. Bemuse beliefs shape both personal and social experience, basic differences in beliefs can account for some of th A. usual B. having no like C. different D. having no standard [填空题]道口工交接班需要遵守的“一正确”是指()。
A.与起火单位共同确定排烟方式 B.做好射水准备 C.防止“中性面“下移 D.保护移动排烟设施 E.加强自身安全防护 [单项选择]《再别康桥》中,诗人用以自喻的事物是()
A. 金柳 B. 水草 C. 彩虹 D. 星辉 [判断题]拒绝执行任何违反防护岗位职责和作业标准的指挥和安排。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]食管癌病人进食前要()
A. 低脂饮食 B. 试验饮水 C. 少量多餐 D. 牛奶 E. 过热饮食 [单选题](单选题)水文地质条件复杂和极复杂的矿井,应当在各水平、采区和上山巷道最高处敷设压风管路,并设置()。
A.供水阀门 B.供气阀门 [单项选择]在社会主义社会中,“两种生产”互相适应是通过()。
A. 指令计划而实现 B. 计划调整而实现 C. 提倡晚婚晚育而实现 D. 限制人口增长而实现 [单选题]甲醉酒后在马路上用铁棍打砸路边停放的车辆,路人发现后报警,民警至现场处警,下列做法或说法错误的是( )
A.对正在以轻微暴力方式实施违法犯罪行为,经警告无效的,可使用徒手制止 B.徒手无法制止,经警告无效的,可使用催泪喷射器等驱逐性、制服性警械制止 C.对于被制止的违法犯罪嫌疑人甲可以使用警绳或约束带约束 D.对甲用于打砸车辆的铁棍和随身携带钱包,予以扣押 [简答题]伤寒的发病机制及临床表现有哪些?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]有呕血一定是上消化道出血,上消化道出血一定有呕血。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]压缩机驱动带断裂,会造成(不制冷)。
A.冷气不足 B.系统太冷 C.间断制冷 D.不制冷 [判断题]照明消防车照明升降系统常见的有液压升降系统、机械升降系统和气动升降系统。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交