But let no one think that pleasure is
immoral. Pleasure in itself is a great good, all pleasure, but its consequences
may be such (31) the sensible person eschews certain
varieties of (32) . Nor need pleasure be gross and sensual.
They are wise in their generation (33) have discovered that
intellectual pleasure is the most satisfying and the most enduring. It is well
to (34) the habit of reading. There are (35)
sports in which you can engage to your own satisfaction after you have
passed the prime of life; there are no games except patience, chess problems and
crossword puzzles that you can play without someone to play them with you.
Reading suffers (36) no such disadvantages; there is no
occupation—except perhaps needle-work, but that leaves the restless spirit
(37) liberty— which you can more easil A. in B. from C. at D. with [判断题]单击常用工具栏上的“新建”按钮,系统不会弹出“新建”对话框,而是直接创建一个空白文档。
[简答题]当油门全推满时,放电电 流是22X25A,对吗
A. 团队 B. 单干 C. 积极 D. 刻苦 [单项选择]井下需要构筑水闸墙的,应由()进行设计。
A. 煤矿地测科 B. 煤矿企业技术部 C. 相应资质单位 D. 施工队 [单项选择]幼儿园要对家庭教育进行指导,就必须了解幼儿家长及家庭的情况,以便有针对性地进行联系和工作,一般利用谈话、()、问卷、调查等形式进行。
A. 实验 B. 家访 C. 电话 D. 个案 [单选题]支票是()签发的,委托办理支票存款业务的银行在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。
A.收款人 B. . 持票人 C. .背书人 D. .出票人 [多项选择]骨关节结核的主要X线表现是()
A. 骨质增生 B. 骨质破坏 C. 骨质软化 D. 骨质疏松 E. 骨骼增粗变形 [单项选择]对已完成工部位,因轴线、标高引测差错而改变设计平面尺寸,若果返工损失严重,在不影响使用功能的前提下,经承发包双方协商验收,这在施工质量事故处理中,属于()。
A. 让步处理 B. 降级处理 C. 不作处理 D. 返工处理 [填空题]
One of the problems in our daily lives is that many of us rush
through the day, with no time for anything...and when we have time to get a bite
to eat, we gobble (狼吞虎咽) it down. That leads to {{U}} (47) {{/U}},
unhealthy living.
And with the simple but powerful act of eating slower, we can {{U}} (48) {{/U}} reverse that lifestyle. How hard is it You take smaller bites, you chew each bite slower, and you enjoy your meal longer. It takes a few minutes extra each meal, and yet it can have {{U}} (49) {{/U}} effects. You may have already heard of the Slow Food Movement started in Italy and almost two decades ago to {{U}} (50) {{/U}} the fast food movement. Everything that fast food is, Slow Food isn’t. If you read the Slow Food Manifesto (宣言), you’ll see that it’s not just about health--it’s about a lifestyle. And whether you want to {{U}} (51) {{/U}} that lifestyle or not, there are some reasons you should {{U}} (52) {{ [单项选择]从个人和社会统一的观点出发,人的自我价值在于通过自己的活动
A. 满足个人对物质财富和社会地位的需要 B. 实现不受社会制约的自由选择 C. 摆脱社会的限制使人获得多方面的自由 D. 满足社会和自我的多方面的需要 [单项选择]原生矿物经过风化作用,使其组成和性质发生变化而新形成的矿物是()
A. 原生矿物 B. 成土矿物 C. 粘土矿物 D. 次生矿物 [判断题]安全绳连接器表面光滑,无裂纹、褶皱,边缘圆滑无毛刺,无永久性变形和活门失效等现象。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]测量电路通断,表笔插孔和测电阻相同,把旋钮旋到蜂鸣档,将表笔搭接到需要测量的导体两端,若发出蜂鸣则为(),若无声则为()。
A.断路;通路 B.接地;断路 C.通路;接地 D.通路;断路 [判断题]当建筑物超过2层时,施工升降机地面通道上方应搭设防护棚。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 环网柜电缆分支箱等箱式配电设备宜装设验电接地装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对蓄电池现场进行电池容量的校核,以0.1³C10的恒定放电电流进行放电,放电率不低于85%
A.食品加工企业 B.街道办事处 C.建筑施工单位 [单项选择]下列传染的表现形式不是全身传染是().
A. 脓疮 B. 菌血症 C. 毒血症 D. 病毒血症 [单项选择]男,56岁,患高血压病8年,近半年来夜间间断胸骨后或心前区疼痛,持续3~5分钟,经过检查确诊为冠心病心绞痛,医生嘱用硝酸甘油,责任护土讲解用药知识,其中哪项不妥( )。
A. 应卧位或坐位服药,以防发生体位性低血压 B. 该药应舌下含服,不可吞服或嚼服 C. 该药可扩张外周血管,减轻心脏负担 D. 该药不良反应有头面部皮肤潮红,搏动性头痛等 E. 出现不良反应需立即停药,不可再服用 我来回答: 提交